Good morning!  It is a great Friday, near the end of October…my birthday month!  As some of you know, I tend to celebrate my birthday all month long!

On my birthday, I enjoyed time with three of my adult children and two grandchildren!


I also give myself some birthday presents along the way, like treasures I’ve been wanting from Amazon.

First…this week, the day after my birthday, the doll replacing the one at the top of my post arrived!

I started searching for her almost immediately after I realized that she was “lost” in the move.  Along the way, I found some mini versions of her, which I actually find adorable…but I wasn’t giving up!


Suddenly I had an idea!  I recalled that my first Madeline Hatter doll, the bigger version that was lost to me, had come from Amazon Vine.  What if I went to that website to see what I would find?  I did that, and there it was, on the site.  When I clicked on it, I was taken to the product page where I could order it again!  Now why didn’t I think of that sooner?

Maybe I needed the quest to keep me distracted from other things…like where I was living at the time!  And perhaps I needed to add the cute little mini Madelines to my collection.

For whatever reason, I love how it all turned out.


Now, back to books!  I started reading Crossroads, by Jonathan Franzen, and I think I will enjoy it.  But right now, I might veer over to another book for now.  I am probably not in the mood for a hefty volume.

Maybe I’ll start reading The Unheard, by Nicci French.


I am planning on a cozy weekend.  What are you hoping for in the next couple of days?



  1. So, your BD month is October and you celebrated all month. Mine is November 21, and I’ll celebrate all that week, ending up with Thanksgiving weekend, something that will help me to remember to be truly grateful for another year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kathryn, I am very pleased with how the month has gone, with family and my doll treasure! And just to express my gratitude, I got up early today and mopped the floors! And now I’m doing laundry. So glad to have the washer and dryer.


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