Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon and The Sunday Post for weekly updates.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.


framed dol and mimosa

Welcome to another Weekly Updates post.  I had a great reading week…and did some viewing, too.  But I also had some physical issues.  Last Sunday, unexpectedly, I fell and spent some time trying to get up off the floor.  That was not fun, and I’m covered with bruises.  I  had my phone handy, though, and my daughter came.  But by the time she arrived, I was already up and moving around .  Slowly.  No broken bones, I’m pretty sure.  I have an appointment with my doctor to go over some plans for physical therapy to improve my balance and strength.  I went through this a few years ago, and those sessions helped.  So here’s hoping.

Meanwhile, I read three books this week!  I loved them all.  And I am almost finished rewatching Brothers and Sisters.

So let’s take a peek at the details.






The Housemaid, by Frieda McFadden

cropped again 5

I Will Ruin You, by Linwood Barclay

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One Perfect Couple, by Ruth Ware

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On Her Watch, by Melinda Leigh

on her watch


That was my week.  Now I am looking forward to more reading and viewing…and I just did the laundry for the week, so I’m feeling good!  Maybe I’ll order something from Uber Eats!




  1. Really sorry to hear about your fall, hope the bruises don’t take too long to heal. Yes a bit of physio will help I am sure. If you are interested Yes2Next on YouTube is really good, she works out with her mother who is 80+. I have started some of their exercises and it feels good.

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  2. I’m so very sorry to hear about the fall, Laurel. It really shakes up your whole system when that happens:((. I swear by arnica to help with the bruising, both the tablets but especially the cream which really helps to ease the bruising and muscle stiffness. I hope you are soon recovered and feeling a lot better.

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  3. Tweetybugshouse

    sorry to hear about the fall but glad you were able to somewhat recover and no broken bones is always a plus. Glad you enjoyed some great reads. Have a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Kathy Martin

    Sorry to hear that you are having health issues. Falling is no fun at all! Your books do sound good. Thanks for reminding me about On Her Watch. I’ll have to put it on my calendar to read so it doesn’t get lost on my Kindle. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kathy, I just finished On Her Watch…I had almost forgotten how much I love this author’s books, as it had been a while since the last one.

      I definitely want to avoid more falls, and I’m grateful that I am mostly bruised and a little swollen. Getting around better each day.

      Enjoy your week.


    1. Thanks, Yvonne, I am feeling better each day, and have an appointment next week to try and set up my physical therapy.

      Meanwhile, I have hired someone to help with walking around the complex.

      I am loving my reading! Enjoy your week.

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  5. Barb @ Booker T's Farm

    That sounds scary. I hope you are feeling better and the PT helps. At least you had some good books to help take your mind off the bruises. Have a wonderful week!

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  6. Falls can be very worrisome. I’m glad you have a plan in place to prevent further falls! A friend of mine who broke her wrist while walking her little dog, said the orthopedist told her the three top causes of falls were cats, dogs, and throw rugs.

    Glad your reading is going well. I like Linwood Barclay, but I have to go easy on all the thrillers. I’m listening to one now, Device Free Weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Laurie, I don’t have cats or dogs, thankfully, and my one rug is a heavy one that doesn’t move around.

      I do love the thrillers, but I try to sandwich in some lighter books along the way.


    1. Thanks, Mary, I was stunned by the fall, as nothing like that has happened since 2019, when I was on the floor, dehydrsted, and spent time in the hospital (4 days).

      This time was unexpected, as I have been careful. But things do come out of the blue sometimes. I am hoping the PT will help.

      Enjoy your week.


  7. Ouch! Sorry about the fall. I’m thinking when that starts happening to me I will wear knee pads and wrist guards 24/7. They really take that jarring sensation out of falls!

    My hiking buddy swears by that arnica stuff that Sue mentioned. She always has it in her backpack with her, no matter where we go.

    Hope you’re over your soreness soon and got yourself a tasty meal from Uber Eats!

    Liked by 1 person

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