Welcome to another Coffee Chat, in which we share bookish and not so bookish thoughts.  Head on over to Bookishly Boisterous to add your link.

Every day this week is all about counting down to Christmas, from getting the house ready to adding sparkles to my nails via a mani.


  • Since First Books of the Year is being celebrated on December 31, I’m getting ready for my “photo op” with a refreshed hairstyle this Friday, and the glittery nails above.
  • My book is resting quietly in Paige, my Kindle…and as soon as my hair is styled, I’m bringing out the camera.
  • Not a lot of reading is happening this week, but I did finish The Perfect Liar, by Thomas Christopher Greene (click title for my review), and I’m halfway finished with Gone So Long, by Andre Dubus III.
  • I’m trying something new this week:  I’ve downloaded two audiobooks onto my iPhone.  Crazy, right?  I started listening to Victoria, by Daisy Goodwin, and I suspect it will take a while, since I’m only tuned in while exercising…until I decide if I like listening to books enough to invest in other equipment.  Tonight I downloaded another one:  The Snow Queen, by Michael Cunningham.
  • Both are from Libby, the Library Overdrive app.
  • After my mani, I stopped in at Marie Callender’s, as I was craving turkey and stuffing.  Yeah, the Thanksgiving turkey didn’t hold me through this holiday.

  • For the past few days, I’ve been changing up my blogs, mostly the headers, but I also switched the themes on a couple of them.  Of course, I changed some things here, and below, my Curl up and Read blog got a facelift.

  • Follow my website link to check out my list of blogs, all of which had some changes in the past few days.
  • Now I plan to curl up with my current read and see if I can finish it before the week is over.


How are things in your part of the world?  What holiday events are keeping you busy?



  1. Enjoy your Christmasing 🙂
    Did you watch Victoria on PBS? The book follows the first season. I read it before seeing the television production. Re: audiobooks – I only listen on my phone and enjoy them so much! Hoping the same will be true for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Mary, and I am hoping to find a way to enjoy the books without losing focus, which tends to happen for me. But I recall that, as a child, I used to love listening to radio shows (before TV!). LOL

      I haven’t seen the show Victoria…I’ll have to look for it.


  2. Yvonne

    I only listen to audio books when I have long commutes. I haven’t had any recently, but even when I did, I found it difficult to concentrate on the audio book. I prefer just reading. Love the nails! Have a great Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Yvonne, I suspect that reading will remain my preference…it is faster, for one thing, and then you can go back and check things if you miss something.

      When I drive, I do find that my head competes with everything else. I can get lost in my thoughts…LOL. Merry Christmas!


  3. Your nails look great! I love that you named your kindle. I just think of mine as the green thing I read ARCs on (haha).

    I like audiobooks, I just never have time to listen to them. I used to have a 20 minute walk home so I could crank out listening to a few chapters but now my walk to/from work is only 5 minutes and it doesn’t really pay to turn it on and have to stop mid-chapter. I did just turn one of my books into an audiobook though and I was pleased with how it turned out.

    Have a great Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Taylor, I’m going to give audiobooks a try but so far I’m only listening while on my exercise bike.

      I am enjoying my sparkly nails, and I name all my devices: Phoebe, my iPhone; Paige, the Kindle; and Daphne, my laptop. Lol

      Happy Holidays!


  4. I’m not getting in a lot of reading either but it’s that time of year so I’m not sweating it.

    There’s a little learning curve to audio books, but once you get past that, you’ll be hooked. Having said that, I haven’t found one to settle in with here lately.

    Liked by 1 person

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