Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon and The Sunday Post for weekly updates.

Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.

Another great week, with three books read and reviewed…and six blog posts written.  I continued viewing Nine Perfect Strangers, on Hulu.

I hope to enjoy a completed Coca Cola dining set this week or next, with the arrival of the chairs.

Can anyone help me be more patient while waiting for deliveries?  Below, note the Coca Cola table patiently waiting for its chairs.

For now let’s take a closer look at my week.



Tuesday Excerpts: “Rock Paper Scissors”

Tuesday Potpourri: Filling My Shelves…

WWW Reading…

Another Overlooked Book…

Bookish Friday: “56 Days”

Friday Thoughts: Memories…

Review: 28 Summers, by Elin Hilderbrand

cropped again 5

Review: Rock Paper Scissors, by Alice Feeney

cropped again 5

56 Days, by Catherine Ryan Howard

ratings worms 4-cropped



Her Perfect Life, by Hank Phillippi Ryan


Apples Never Fall, by Liane Moriarty


The Other Side of the Door, by Nicci French


CURRENTLY READING: Her Perfect Life, by Hank Phillippi Ryan


That was my week. What did yours look like? Today I enjoyed another dish of potato salad with a glass of red wine..



  1. Oh I love the Coke table. How fun. Can’t wait to see it all together when the chairs arrive.

    I’m hoping to watch Nine PErfect sometime as well. I don’t have Hulu but maybe one of these days… I love that Moriarty’s stuff is being adapted. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Greg, I do love vintage furnishings, with Coca Cola at the top of the list. I used to have a dining room full of all things “Coke,” and I’m glad I saved photos to remind me of those times.

      I recently downloaded another Moriarty book, “Apples Never Fall.”

      Have a great week.


  2. Juli @ A Universe in Words

    I can’t give any advice on patience for deliveries since I’m literally by the door like an attention-starved puppy the moment I know my packages have been shipped! I also have ‘Her Perfect Life’ on my list and was saving it for stormy autumn weather, but maybe I just need to get into it now… Have a lovely weekend and week 🙂
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

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  3. Haha aw I don’t think I can help you be more patient when waiting for deliveries, but I do your table with soon have its chair companions! 🤞 As for my week, it has mainly been work and early nights, except for a well deserved hair cut. 💇‍♀️ Take care and happy reading! 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jessica, and I so need a haircut! The clubhouse at this apartment complex has closed down due to COVID, so that also means the salon! Just as I was getting ready to go for a haircut!

      I am hoping to cheer up with the arrival of more Amazon orders…and my chairs! Enjoy your week.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Susan

    We are all caught up on the series Nine Perfect Strangers, waiting for the next episode. You must have an idea of what will happen if you’ve read the book. It’s starting to get pretty crazy. It seems someone is going to get killed on the show soon. I’ll look to see if you like Apples Never Fall. Have a great week. Wine & Potato salad is a good combo.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Susan, I have enjoyed my potato salads the past two weeks. Now I should probably find something else to eat! I did order some more Lean Cuisine meals in different flavors. That could be good.

      I hope to enjoy Apples Never Fall.

      Nine Perfect Strangers was pretty good, although it wasn’t my favorite of her books. I’m enjoying the show, however, and I attribute that to the great actors. There will be much excitement ahead!

      Enjoy your week.


  5. Trin Carl

    Her perfect Life sounds great. And I had my fair share of delightful food this week including sugar covered donuts and chocolate tarte and sushi. I’m going to need to dance my pants off to cut those calories.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh, yummy goodies, Trin! I know what you mean about dancing off those calories. I’m a little too stiff to do much dancing, though, LOL.

      I do stretches and other exercises, and some walking.

      I am eager to dive into Her Perfect Life. Enjoy your week.


  6. You read more really great books you rated highly! I have extremely vintage furnishings from my great-grandparents and a great aunt and such. I have a few other things, my sofa and chair that I got at an estate sale in 1980, and my beloved loveseat I got at a used furniture store in 1978. I tend to keep all my stuff. My dad bought my rolltop desk for $10 in 1930. I could ramble on and on but I won’t. I love my old stuff.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Anne, I had lots of my old things for many years, and would still have them if my daughter hadn’t sold/given away most of it in order to move me into assisted living in 2019! I wish she had stored it for me. I would have paid the bill!

      The good news is I “escaped” from the assisted living place and I’m enjoying my apartment, filling it up slowly.

      I guess I won’t get over that for a while, lol, but I am happily trying to replace as many things as I can. However, the shops where I once found most of my things are no longer open. Sigh.

      Enjoy your stuff!


  7. maureensbooks1989

    I love that Coca Cola table!
    Seeing that Nicci French book makes me remember how much I loved those authors. I definitely have to read a Nicci French book again soon.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Maureen, I have enjoyed the French series books as well as the stand-alones. Enjoy finding more to love!

      I can’t get enough of my Coca Cola stuff! I hope to keep adding a few more things, treasures that I once had but lost in that move back in 2019.


    1. Thanks, JoAnn, I can’t wait to get the chairs…and then I’ll keep searching for more treasures to go with them.

      I am definitely on the impatient side, especially when I have my eye on something that I want to collect.

      Enjoy your week!


  8. That table is fabulous! I would be excited to get the chairs too! Please share some pics once you get them 🙂 I have been in my house for over a year and am still eating on a folding table because I cannot make a decision when it comes to buying a table. Her Perfect Life looks really good. I hope you have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Carole, I took a longer time to buy things when I moved into my condo in 2007, and by the time I left it, I had collected everything I wanted. Now I just want to replicate some of what I once had.

      I love taking photos of my things…they help me remember things that I have loved over the years. Enjoy gathering together the things you will enjoy.


  9. Literary Feline

    I love the Coca Cola table. I hope your chairs arrive soon. I have an aunt who collects everything Coca Cola. She has a room devoted to her collection. Her Perfect Life looks really good. I hope you are enjoying it. Have a great week, Laurel-Rain!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m not great at being patient for deliveries either, although I did get a surprise today when I got a notification that a package was being delivered which I had completely forgotten ordering! That’s one way to not be impatient.

    I have heard a few things about Rock Scissors Paper recently!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Susan, I just got a notice that my chairs are coming Wednesday. Unfortunately, I had lunch plans for that day, which I will have to reschedule, since I don’t dare leave while waiting during that wide time window they give for the delivery!


  11. I also get impatient with deliveries. I think Amazon has spoiled me. And the pandemic has not helped.

    So glad to see how much you liked 28 Summers and Rock Paper Scissors. I really liked 28 Summers, too. I will see if I can find Rock Paper Scissors.

    Anything with red wine is wonderful. Or white wine. Or sparkling!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Deb, I do love deliveries, but not the waiting part. The other aspect I don’t enjoy: the notices usually list a really wide window during which items will arrive, meaning you have to wait around all day long. Especially when UPS just drops the items off outside the front door!

      I did really love both books….especially 28 Summers.

      And I love all kinds of wine!


  12. I just not a shopper so not much waiting for me. The coke table does look good.
    Glad you liked Rock Paper Scissors.
    I’ve heard good things about Nicci French although I haven’t read them. Hope you enjoy all of your new books.
    Happy Reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I’m impatient waiting for things I ordered to arrive also. The coca cola set looks so cool!
    I have to get back into Nine Perfect Strangers, Enjoy your books this week, I’ve never read Liane Moriarty but have heard good things.

    Liked by 1 person

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