Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

**Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.


Good morning!  It is time for more Notes from Isolation.  During this past week, we had scheduled outdoor walks for twenty minutes each day!  Just to mark the occasion, I went to my favorite store (Amazon) and ordered a new denim jacket to wear in celebration.

Shopping, movie bingeing, and a little reading have marked the days.  I spent last Sunday reading a book that I eventually DNFed…sad, but true…and then went on to read and review two books.  Then yesterday, I discovered two Kindle book versions of classic tomes my mother had in her childhood, and which I still have.  I read and reviewed one of them! Cornelli, by Johanna Spyri, the author who gave us Heidi.

I  also wrote eight blog posts!

I am still loving Little Fires Everywhere on Hulu, and finally got into Ozark’s Third Season.  I enjoyed a movie with Helen Mirren, The Good Liar, which was based on a book I enjoyed of the same title. I read it in 2016, but only gave it 3.5 stars.  I liked the movie better, probably because of Helen Mirren.

Now I’m loving my second cup of coffee…so grab yours and I’ll take you to details about the week.


Monday Morning Coffee, Etc.

Bringing Disney Images Back To My Blogs…

Tuesday Excerpts:  “The Sea Glass Cottage”

Tuesday Potpourri:  Blissful Tuesday…

Goodbye to March!

Coffee Chat:  A Day at a Time…

Six Years Ago…

Bookish Friday:  “Separation Anxiety”

Review:  The Operator, by Gretchen BergReview:  Follow Me, by Kathleen BarberReview:  Cornelli, by Johanna Spyri



Empty mailbox!  I did download two e-books, however, and some books I’ve ordered from Amazon are headed my way.

Separation Anxiety, by Laura Zigman

Safe House, by Jo Jakeman


CURRENTLY  READING:  The Watergate Girl, by Jill Wine-Banks, my fourth book in my Nonfiction Reading Challenge…

It was a time, much like today, when Americans feared for the future of their democracy, and women stood up for equal treatment. At the crossroads of the Watergate scandal and the women’s movement was a young lawyer named Jill Wine Volner (as she was then known), barely thirty years old and the only woman on the team that prosecuted the highest-ranking White House officials. Called “the mini-skirted lawyer” by the press, she fought to receive the respect accorded her male counterparts—and prevailed.

In The Watergate Girl, Jill Wine-Banks opens a window on this troubled time in American history. It is impossible to read about the crimes of Richard Nixon and the people around him without drawing parallels to today’s headlines. The book is also the story of a young woman who sought to make her professional mark while trapped in a failing marriage, buffeted by sexist preconceptions, and harboring secrets of her own. Her house was burgled, her phones were tapped, and even her office garbage was rifled through.

At once a cautionary tale and an inspiration for those who believe in the power of justice and the rule of law, The Watergate Girl is a revelation about our country, our politics, and who we are as a society.


That was my week…what did yours look like?  Are you also “sheltering in place”?  How are you doing?  I have no recent treats to share, but just as a reminder of what normal looked like, here is one of my favorites.  I took granddaughter Fiona and her boyfriend Dylan out to celebrate her birthday.  That was in February…such a long time ago!



  1. Susan

    Great post Laurel! Yes we’re sheltering in place here. Going a little nutty indoors too much but trying to manage. Which book did you DNF? I have recently finished Separation Anxiety and liked it all right …. a few laughs in it and luckily the ending is happier for the main character. The Watergate Girl looks good too — I’ll be waiting to hear what you think of it. Also I’ll check out The Good Liar movie — seems worth it. We are still watching Season 3 of The Crown and Season 8 of Homeland. both enjoyable.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. Susan, I gave up on Been There, Married That.

      I am loving The Watergate Girl so far. I wish the Trump impeachment had gone the way of Watergate! If it had, we might not be so far behind with coronavirus remediation.

      You’re probably happy to be in Canada right now.

      Enjoy your reading and movies.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Literary Feline

    Love that new jacket, Laurel-Rain! I am glad you are able to get out and walk. I am hoping I can talk my daughter into going for a walk afternoon. She needs to get out and about a little, being so cooped up. She’s “in” musical theater class right now (via Zoom). I am glad to hear you are enjoying Little Fires Everywhere. I would like to see that–but I want to read the book first. Enjoy your new books! Separation Anxiety looks cute. I hope you have a good weekend. Stay safe and well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Wendy, I am so grateful that we have online streaming and social networking to help with the isolation. Not to mention the blogging connections.

      It’s great that your daughter can participate online, too.

      Enjoy your family time. I miss it, but we do text and talk on the phone.


    1. Thanks, Diane, I had added to my wardrobe before we went into isolation, and wore my new things to the dining room…or out and about when we were allowed to go. Sigh.

      Afterwards I hope to enjoy the outfits again, but I was glad that the jacket is just right for outdoor walking now.

      Stay well and safe.


  3. I always liked denim jackets. Good call. 🙂 And I’ve been upping my binging game a bit haha. I started Tales from the Loop on Amazon Prime and so far so good. It’s nice to take the mind off all the gloom…

    Little Fires is sounding pretty good to me but I don’t have Hulu, otherwise I’d probably be watching. And I’ve always liked Helen mirren.

    Hopefully we can all enjoy meals out again before too much time passes. Take care and hope you are safe and well this week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Greg, I just finished Season 3 of Ozark, on Netflix, and wow, it was amazing!

      The Good Liar is on Amazon Prime…too bad you can’t watch Little Fires. Maybe it will show up on another streaming service.

      I’m hoping we will get past this evil virus sooner rather than later, but meanwhile, I’ll take it a day at a time.

      Enjoy your week, and stay safe.


  4. Yeah Helen Mirren does any movie a good turn, good that you enjoyed it. Jacket looks snazzy and even better that 20 min fresh air, which is truly all about I do each day but it makes a difference.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kathryn, these walks are actually my first outdoor ones since I’ve been here! So much better than just walking the hallways in the building. The courtyard has gazebos and little benches here and there. A good place to sit with a book. But not nowadays, of course, since we have to be alert to others and following that “six feet apart” rule!

      Stay safe, and enjoy your week.


  5. Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

    We can’t go out anymore for leisurely stroll for now. I hope you enjoy those outdoor activities, while you can. And I have the exact same jacket too! Have a safe week ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Gayathri, this jacket is my first denim one in years! I had another one that was bigger and longer. I feel “youthful” in this one, lol.

      They only recently let us go out to walk, but our times are closely monitored so that there won’t be many others out and about.

      Stay safe!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Trish, Helen has a way of turning any story into something fabulous. I think I will try to find more of her movies to savor this week.

      I hope you find the movie, and enjoy your week while staying safe.


    1. Thanks, Cindy, I have relied a lot on buying things since I’ve been here (10 months now!). I feel more cheerful when I have packages coming. LOL

      Of course, now the need for cheer has a more desperate feel to it. Sigh. Hope we all stay safe and find good books to enjoy.


  6. I cheated and watching Little Fires Everywhere without reading the book, but I didn’t want to have to put a ton of effort into getting the book while everything is going on. I did enjoy it though and think I should probably read the book anyway.
    I hope you enjoy your reads! Stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m so glad you are able to get out for a walk each day. That denim jacket looks beautiful. I would normally be ordering a new spring dress right now, but I keep feeling as if there isn’t a point in doing that. Maybe I should go ahead anyway.

    I had just gotten Separation Anxiety in from the library before the library shut down. It is a good book for this time, as the main character needs a lot of comfort. Maybe we should all strap dogs to ourselves!

    I am finding it comforting to look back on what I did earlier in the year, including a trip to the Painted Churches of Texas. It’s lovely to see your granddaughter’s photo. February seems like such a long time ago.

    Stay well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Deb, Separation Anxiety sounds really timely, since the first section is called “Sheltering in Place.”

      I miss spending time with my granddaughter at our favorite restaurants.

      Stay well and safe.


  8. That jacket looks the business for your daily walks, Laurel. My goodness – you certainly have your blogging mojo during this period. And thank you for your granddaughter’s pic – a reminder of a happier time! I hope the coming week is another peaceful, healthy week for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m so glad you are having your walks and books, keeping a fairly normal routine. I’m baking my own treats. I made peanut butter cookies with mini-Reece’s PB cups on top of half. They are nearly gone, so good and kind of crumbly texture. Next up is mini cheesecakes with fresh raspberries.

    I’m moody in reading so a DNF is possible. So far it’ going ok. I’m not reading things in the planned order though.

    Have a wonderful week! Be kind and take care of yourself!

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Anne, I opened a bottle of red wine this afternoon! They have not been bringing our wine with dinners!

      But now I’m sorry that I didn’t buy my usual Cabernet. I am realizing that I will not be a fan of Pinot Noir!


  10. Dang, busy week! Your denim coat looks cute, enjoy! I am impressed your write eight blog posts, that’s fantastic! I had a couple of DNFs last week too; I got to 25% in one before giving up. Sometimes you just have to call ti quits.

    I hope you get to continue enjoying your walks, and stay safe. Have a good week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Bea, I’m sorry I read almost 2/3 of mine before I quit! That wasn’t very good planning.

      Enjoy your week, and I am now looking out at the rainy courtyard. So glad I moved my desk to a corner by the big window.

      Stay safe and well.


  11. Trin Carl

    I’m glad you’re getting exercise in. That’s definitely been the 2 things I’ve been striving to work on..in fact I plan to do a little of that as soon as I read everyone’s blog entries. Cheers to my burpee challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. February almost seems like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it? I think I’m finally starting to settle into a new routine and am able to read lighter fiction again, though I am interested int The Watergate Girl. Will be interested in reading your thoughts. Wish we had Hulu… loved reading Little Fires Everywhere. Eventually we’ll get back to normal. In the meantime, I hope you have a good week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, JoAnn, it does seem like a lifetime ago when I could leave the residence and go out! I miss that.

      I like a lot of things I find on Hulu…I would definitely miss it if I didn’t have it. Enjoy!


    1. Thanks, Kathy, I do love that flowers continue to bloom and the grass is still green.

      I suspect that when our new normal comes, we won’t quite trust it for a while. Sigh.

      Have a great and safe week!


  13. Whenever I see the cover of Separation Anxiety I smile. We’ve been without a dog for over five years now and I’ve found myself wishing for one the past few weeks. Love the denim jacket. I think I’ve had one in my wardrobe for decades but what’s new is I’ve started buying colors in the classic style. I have a tangerine one and a white one in addition to the traditional blue. We’re still cold in my area so I’ll wait to switch out my closet. I think I might wander over to Amazon later and see what they have for spring/summer. Have a good week, Laurel. I’m so glad you can get out for walks!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Mary, I went back and forth on the colors, as there were a few choices for the denim jacket. I turned to “comfort blue.” LOL

      Our weather goes back and forth, but it’s still cool enough for a jacket.

      I do love wandering over to Amazon, even if I’m only searching for household products or lotions.

      I haven’t had a dog in adulthood; just cats. None right now, although some residents here do have pets.

      Have a great and safe week!


  14. Getting out is so important in these days of isolation. I live3 in a pretty hilly area and have been taking hour long walks every day. Sometimes I walk with a neighbor, keeping six feet apart, of course. I need to sign up for Hulu so I can watch Little Fires and I never watched The Handmaids Tale, either. This is the perfect time to splurge on things like more TV and cute denim jackets!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your walks sound lovely, Susie, and I hope you enjoy Little Fires and all the other good things on Hulu. I subscribed to the “no commercials” version, and I’m so glad I did.

      Enjoy your week. I’m loving the jacket, but I’ve missed some walks this week due to rain..


    1. Thanks, Laurie, I do love how I am able to read and watch movies while sheltering in place; the fact that I live in a residential senior home with food prepared and brought to us during this time makes it all easier.

      In normal times, the food would be served in a community dining room.

      I hope you are managing during these difficult times.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. I am glad you are getting to go for walks to break up your shelter day. Cute jacket you ordered.
    Separation Anxiety looks like a fun read.
    I hope you enjoy your reading and watching this week. Stay safe and healthy.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pingback: Books That Caught Our Eye | Mailbox Monday

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