Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

**Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.


My week was full of appointments and the aftermath of oral surgery/dental work.  Sigh.  But I did manage to read two books this week…better than last.  Do you ever find yourself lost in the minutiae amidst the activities that seem to take over?   Most of my time was spent lying on the couch watching TV shows, Netflix, and Amazon Prime.  I am enjoying a show on Netflix that I only watched occasionally when it was on TV:  Friends.  It is kind of silly, but it takes my mind off of real life.  The hatred swirls around us with the political fighting…and I just want to bury my head in the sand…or in what is happening in a show or movie.

But setting all that aside, let’s grab some coffee and take a closer look at the week.  Speaking of coffee, I am grateful to be able to drink it again, since it was forbidden during the first recovery days!


Sunday Potpourri:  Last Day of the Month Scrambling…

September Wrap-Up:  A Month of Lovely Books…

Rainy Day Excerpts:  “First Flurries”

My Hump Day Reading…

Coffee Chat:  Birthdays, Books, Etc.

Bookish Friday:  “The Day of the Dead”

Review:  Watching You, by Lisa JewellReview:  I Know You Know (e-book), by Gilly Macmillan


INCOMING BOOKS: (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

Empty physical mailbox, but I received one NetGalley review book; and I downloaded two purchases.

In the Blink of an Eye  (e-book), by Jesse Blackadder (NG – 3/19)



A Spark of Light (e-book), by Jodi Picoult

Under My Skin (e-book), by Lisa Unger


WHAT’S NEXT? Currently reading two review books:

A Year of Extraordinary Moments (e-book), by Bette Lee Crosby – (NG – 10/16)

First Flurries, by Joanne DeMaio – (Author Review Request)


That was my week…what did yours look like?  I didn’t go out to eat at all this week…soft foods being my primary diet.  But this flan that I enjoyed a couple of weeks ago looks soft…and I am drooling for it right now.



  1. Netflix and Amazon Prime can be a wonderful way to escape the craziness! And oral surgery- ooh no fun. Glad coffee’s back on the menu now. 🙂

    I’m glad to see Watching You was good!

    Can you believe I’ve never had flan??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Lexxie, and the dentist gave me the OK on the coffee on Thursday, but I’m still adding milk so it won’t be too hot.

      I felt better yesterday and went to see the movie The Wife, based on Wolitzer’s book. I also had permission for a cocktail beforehand…but still can’t drink through a straw. LOL

      I’d never heard of In the Blink of an Eye, but it looks good, doesn’t it?

      Enjoy your week!


    1. Thanks, Kathryn, it’s fun to see the characters, now adults, who were such kids on Friends. Their silly banter is a great escape for me right now.

      I finally got to have coffee starting Friday…and a cocktail or two (LOL) before the movie I saw on Saturday (The Wife, with Glenn Close). Did you read that Wolitzer book on which it was based? I remembered loving it, and according to Goodreads, I read it in 2010.

      I’m still a little nervous about the extraction site, and definitely trying to avoid dislodging the temporary bridge. When it’s over, I’ll be happy.

      Thanks for visiting…and have a great week!


  2. I’m having the hardest time commenting on your blog this week. First my phone had a phishing pop-up, and I lost what I wrote. Then my phone went on the fritz, and I lost it again. I tried to move to my computer, but apparently that had not been plugged in properly, so it’s at a dangerously low battery level and seems to be in a permanent state of hibernation. So, after 10 minutes of watching it hibernate, here I am on my phone again! Hopefully it’ll get through this time. Though, after typing all this, I no longer feel like writing my original message, which was about the woes of too many appointments. 😂🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, sorry about your issues…I’ve had those, too…I did have to smile about the computer hibernating (from the Hibernator’s Library, lol).

      I can’t write comments from my phone very well, either; and I agree about the woes of too many appointments. I did enjoy yesterday, and saw the movie The Wife.


    1. Thanks, Deb, and I find myself drawn to stories from the past (a kinder,gentler time, or am I kidding myself?). On TV, I tend to stick to mysteries, even romance.

      Netflix and Prime are my go-to places.

      Enjoy your week, and I love the idea of small acts of love every day.


  3. I hope your mouth is feeling better with each passing day. I’m still healing from surgery. No fun, but I’m getting better too.
    I decided to squeeze in the first book from that Harlequin Heartwarming sweet romance series (Return of the Blackwell Brothers), The Rancher’s Twins. I’m so glad I did because I LOVED that book!! So now I couldn’t resist starting the next one in the series. I’m not sure if I’ll get through all of them by the end of the year, but since I didn’t commit to doing so I’m okay with that.
    I received a review book called A Sparkle of Silver by Liz Johnson. I’ll be starting that one soon.
    Have a great Sunday Laurel-Rain. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sassy, and enjoy your books. I am loving mine at the moment, although I took a break yesterday to see the movie The Wife, based on the Meg Wolitzer book. I enjoyed it.

      I probably won’t read In the Blink of an Eye until much later, since it comes out in March.

      Have a great week!


  4. I am often buried under every day life between the kiddos, the job, the volunteering, the household management, etc. When I have time to read, to blog, to watch tv, and the such not, I’m thrilled; although maybe not thrilled if the reason I had time was dental work…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha – yes, the reasons for the time to spend with books can be less than delightful. I do remember the days when all those activities you mentioned felt overwhelming.

      Thanks for visiting, Trisha, and try to work your way through those challenges.


  5. StackingMy BookShelves

    Sorry about the oral surgery. Ughhh I hate it. Glad you are feeling better and that you are enjoying Friends. I loved it years ago and my daughter watches it occasionally. Hope this week is better for you. Love the foodie pictures you put up. Yummy.

    Mary my #SundayRoundup #39!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Mary, I am feeling better, but I need to proceed with caution, as sometimes I forget the rules.

      I woke up this morning thinking it was Monday…LOL. I was planning to see another movie today (saw The Wife yesterday), and the new version of A Star Is Born looks tempting, with Bradley Cooper, and even Sam Elliott.

      But…I promised myself to do a little light housework. Sigh.

      Enjoy your week.


    1. Thanks, Kimberly, I love this series of books set in New England, which take us to the beach…and then to a quaint town for the winter.

      Yes, the time it takes to recover from oral surgery scares me a little, and then I have the temporary crowns that need to hang in there until the permanent comes in. I’m impatient!

      Enjoy your reading!


  6. Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

    I am so missing the caffeine, due to the diet regimen I am following, So I can understand what you have been missing. Sigh. I am glad you are back with it. Have a good week.

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    1. Thanks, Gayanthri, I am trying to hang in there, following the rules for my aftercare…but still struggling with my painful shoulder.

      I am glad to have coffee back in my days, though, and still enjoying some movies and reading. Have a great week!

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  7. Yvonne

    I hope you are feeling better after all that dental work. I, too, have been enjoying my TV and books to escape the craziness of real life.

    I hope this is a better week for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Yvonne, I think the after care for the extraction is progressing well, but the painful shoulder is a recurring issue. I may have to go to the doctor…but maybe I’ll wait for full recovery from the dental work first.

      I did enjoy going out yesterday and seeing the movie The Wife.

      Have a great week!


  8. I am sorry that your week was a little difficult. But I agree, Netflix always take our minds off 😀 I want to watch Friends too since a long time but sadly it is not available on Netflix India.
    And two books a week is definitely not bad, at least for me 😀
    Have a lovely week ahead 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I had a week full of medical stuff a few weeks ago and it was no fun. Neither is oral surgery. I’m glad you’re on the road to recovery and hope you’re on solid food soon.

    I’m listening to A Spark of Light now and, so far, it hasn’t wowed me. 😦

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  10. Ugh yuck I am so sorry you had to have oral surgery! I am glad though that you are recovering, and can now have coffee again!!

    I am with you – sometimes there is just too much going on, everywhere. Little things taking over, and like you said, politics. 😦

    I hope you have a better week this week!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Ugh on the oral surgery! I hope you’re healing well. I only watched Friends occasionally when it was originally on, but my girls – who are 16 and 18 – discovered it on Netflix, too, and fell in love with it.

    Under My Skin looks like it’ll be a good one!

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  12. The Cue Card

    I hope you are feeling better soon. Sounds like you are on the mend. We are heading out to see the movie A Star Is Born today — as it is a holiday today in Canada (thanksgiving) … so I’ll let you know if it’s any good. Cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Cheryl, and that’s a perfect description of the behavior from the politicians! I am longing for a cleansing soon!

      Enjoy your week, and I am hanging in there, waiting for the healing!


    1. Thanks, AJ, since I still have to eat soft food, and I was sick of canned soup, I went to pick up soft side dishes at Boston Market in my neighborhood. Mashed potatoes and gravy and Mac and Cheese. LOL

      Enjoy your week!


  13. Oh – I would drool over that flan too!
    I spent a bit of time last week watching news too – more on computer than on TV; feeling sadness at the great divide.
    In the Blink of an Eye looks good. Enjoy your reading!

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  14. Susie | Novel Visits

    I hope you’re doing much better. Dental work is never fun. I have a crown coming up in a couple weeks and am dreading it. Happy reading this week!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Literary Feline

    I hope you have recovered well after your dental work and surgeries. I know what you mean about the negativity out there right now. Finding escape in fiction–be in books, movies or television–seems to be the direction I go. I hope you enjoy your new books! Have a great week, Laurel-Rain.

    Liked by 1 person

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