may 24 another look at the patio

Good morning!  My Interior World looks promising today.  Just outdoors, on my newly cleaned patio ( I did promise to do that!), I am enjoying the cool air of morning as I sip my coffee.

Today is Tuesday Intros/Teasers, and I’m eager to read the book I’m sharing today.  Blood Defense, by Marcia Clark, is the first in a new series featuring Samantha Brinkman.






Yesterday was a hectic day, with little time for reading.  My DMV tags are up for renewal, and I had to get the smog check done.  Luckily, that didn’t take too long; I barely had time to start reading Breakdown, by Jonathan Kellerman.







Next, I was off to the Office Max to pick up a new wireless mouse.  Mine stopped working!

Grocery shopping came after, and as I struggled home with the flimsy plastic bags provided by the store, I reminded myself—again—that I needed to get something sturdier.

So imagine my surprise (and pleasure) to find just what I need on Amazon Vine!





While I was studying the Vine newsletter, of course I had to check out some books…and found one featured today in Lakeside Musings Tuesday Intro!

Tuesday Nights in 1980, by Molly Prentiss, has been beckoning to me for a while.  Of course I requested it!






Lately, I’ve spent time in the 1970s, the 1920s, and now the 80s are coming to me!

Meanwhile, last night, I finished Season III of The Killing...with only six episodes in Season IV, I am sure to finish it tonight.  I have loved the unexpected twists….



the killing image



Now I am back indoors, in my little nook, having an OJ…with a shot of Brandy.  Yikes!  Did I just admit that?



may 24 - in the nook


How is your Tuesday shaping up?  Any new books to share?  Thoughts from your interior?



  1. So I am sitting at my kitchen table with my first cup of tea! Storm raging outside so I got up a bit earlier than intended. The difference of the hemispheres! Nothing wrong with a shot of brandy in OJ!! Enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kathryn, sometimes I have it in coffee…lol. It is fascinating to think about how our time differences are rather huge….I go through this with my eldest son, who lives in Prague, and trying to figure out when we can Skype.

      But where you are…wow! I hope you enjoyed your day!


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