books, etc.-monday memes

Welcome to another week of bookish fun.  Join in with those who celebrate Mailbox Monday, hosted in February by Unabridged Chick; and What Are You Reading?, hosted by Book Journey.



This week, my only “mailbox” books were for my Sparky, where I downloaded one review e-book and two purchases.

1.  Emancipating Alice (e-book), by Ada Winder (Review book)


Now that her husband George is dead, middle-aged homemaker Alice Owens thinks his oppressive reign over her life has ended–but she is wrong. George thwarts her attempts at freedom, mentally and physically, from beyond the grave.

2.  Out of Circulation (e-book), by Miranda James


Everyone in Athena, Mississippi, knows Charlie Harris, the librarian with a rescued Maine coon cat named Diesel. He’s returned to his hometown to immerse himself in books, but when a feud erupts between the town’s richest ladies, the writing on the wall spells murder.

The Ducote sisters are in a tiff with Vera Cassity over the location of this year’s library fundraising gala, and Charlie would rather curl up in a corner than get into the fray. It seems everyone–even his housekeeper Azalea–has it in for Vera. And at the gala, she gives them good reason, with a public display of rancor aimed at anyone who gets in her way.

But those bitter words wind up being her last. When Charlie discovers Azalea standing over Vera’s dead body, it’s up to him–with a little help from Diesel–to clear Azalea’s name, and catch a killer before his last chapter is finished.

3.  Starlet’s Web (e-book), by Carla J. Hanna


A-list actress, 17-year-old Liana Marie Michael struggles to find herself when Hollywood’s obsession with youth and power threatens to destroy her future.

Liana is dating Hollywood’s hottest heartthrob while filming her seventh motion picture with sexy co-star Byron. Surrounded by a culture of casual sex and adult responsibilities, Lia feels lost and confused. With her film soon to wrap, her acting contracts up for renewal, her high school graduation looming and growing tension between her and smart student athlete, Manuel, life feels overwhelming. Will Lia find the courage to share her love for Manuel, a guy unimpressed with Hollywood? In the eternal quest for youth, what life-shattering secrets has Lia’s mom been keeping from her? Can Manuel accept Lia’s role in Hollywood’s web of lies?

STARLET’S WEB is not only a love story. With fast-paced narrative that reflects Hollywood’s hyper-drive lifestyle, Ms. Hanna transports the reader into an actor’s daily life and demonstrates how difficult it is for young adults to break free from a path created by someone else – even when it is a successful one.




Welcome to another great week of reading, blogging, and basking in the community spirit that thrives in the blogosphere.

I’ve been busy this week with my reading and blogging.

Yesterday, I wrote a post about the sad fate of Sparky, my Kindle.  Saturday Potpourri:  Kindle Woes had a happy ending, though.

Yes, indeed!  My Kindle case broke, but I found a new one!

Now for the rest of the week:

The Interior World of Martha Cummings is an excerpt from my WIP Interior Designs.

Hump Day Potpourri:  A Plethora of Books is about a treasure trove of recent acquisitions.

Sweet Saturday Sample:  Love is in the Air (Another Excerpt)

January Reading Wrap-Up

February Bookshelf Clearing

Check-In Post – ROW 80

Mini-Bloggiesta Starting Gate

Reading/Click for Reviews:

1.  Smash Cut, by Sandra Brown (Another one toppled off of Mt. TBR!)

2.  Restless Souls, by Alisa Statman with Brie Tate (Another from Mt. TBR)

3.  Thread on Arrival (e-book), by Amanda Lee

What’s Up Next? (Click Titles/Covers for More Info)

1.  Orphan Train, by Christina Baker Kline  (Vine Review)


2.  Family Pictures, by Jane Green (Vine Review)


3.  Out of Circulation (e-book), by Miranda James



That’s my week!  Come on by and let’s chat…..


    1. Ha-ha…I took a closer look (the one I’m reading is on Sparky) and had to laugh out loud, too. Snort, snort! That cat’s expression is priceless. Thanks for visiting, Brunette Librarian, and for the giggles I now have.


    1. I read Bird in Hand a couple of years ago, I think? I’m going to have to refresh my memory on that one—maybe even reread it—as I’m really liking the writing style and characters in this one. Thanks for visiting, Mary…enjoy your week!


    1. Some covers pull me in that way, too; Sarah Jio’s always do. I am enjoying the story, too, Teddyree….hope to finish it before the day ends. Yesterday I just lolled around watching movies and only reading a few pages. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.


  1. A case for my kindle is absolutely mandatory. I had my new paperwhite for less than a week before dropping it! It’s the same with any phone I get, I buy a case at the same time as getting the phone. I don’t know what it is!

    You’ve got an interesting list this week, hope you enjoy them all!


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