Welcome to another journey through photos…featuring family and home.

I love the photo above, as it shows some of my favorite books, Mary Engelbreit prints, and interesting things, like the wrought iron hanging.

My eldest son and his wife, Gabi, shared some photos from a Prague Photo Shoot at the Hilton.

Here they are, ready to point and shoot:



An exterior shot:



An interior view:



Gabi is enjoying the “treats” that are part of the payment…



This post will be linked to West Metro Mommy Reads for Saturday Snapshots.



  1. I so envy you the space on your shelves, mine are literally overflowing- I’m trying to fix that now, it’s a slow process. Maybe one day I’ll go to Prague? Fun to do a photoshop there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Louise. My shelves were overflowing, but a series of purges made them better. You’re right: it’s a slow process. I like that I still have books surrounding me, but they are not falling out of the shelves like they were. LOL.

      I would love to visit Prague, too, if only I would get over that tiny fear of flying thing.


    1. Thanks, Deb, and I would also love to share travels and interesting places, but right now, I am a homebody. Last year I did go on vacation and shared those photos…and soon, I will have the beachy wedding pictures. But in all of these, families are at the center.

      Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for stopping by.


  2. This is wonderful photo shoot. I’m curious what your son and daughter-in-law do in Prague? I can’t seem to recall although I know you’ve told us. It seems an interesting place …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Susan, and he is a photographer/writer, and she is a pianist, primarily, but she is also great at photography…and they met when she became his assistant, many years ago.

      They met in Prague, and then moved to Berlin a few years ago, where they lived for six years. Then moved back to Prague.


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