Good morning, and let’s grab some coffee and chat.  Another week is flying by, and I am enjoying the outdoors in my tiny patio.  Although there have been a couple of windy days!  This week, I added a birdhouse in that corner.  Another one is headed my way.  Wine and a book make for a relaxing evening.


  • I haven’t finished any books this week, though.  I’m still reading The Long Weekend, by Gilly Macmillan, which is promising to be weird and creepy.
  • Next up:  Insomnia, by Sarah Pinborough.
  • I still remember other patios from the past, or even the deck I had in front of my house years ago, where I had bird cages and a bird bath, in addition to a birdhouse or two.


Now I am hoping to finish more books.  I am also searching for more shows and movies.  What are you doing to pass the time?



  1. I love your outdoor patio! Doesn’t matter the size if it gives you a place to get fresh air without leaving your home. We have bird feeders up too, and a squirrel-proof one that the squirrel swings on anyway but he’s mad because he’s too heavy to allow the seeds to pour out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Mia, I am laughing about the squirrels. Enjoy keeping them away.

      We’ve had rain again for two days, so I haven’t been able to go out on the patio. Sigh. But we do need rain.

      Enjoy your weekend.


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