Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.

Where did October go?  In fact, where has the whole year gone?  I can’t say that I will miss 2020, and remnants of the bad parts will continue into the New Year, I am sure.  Also…did you remember to set back your clocks? 

I am focusing on reading and blogging…and movies.  I only finished two books this week, but I enjoyed them both.  As I started another one yesterday, I quickly set it aside, and tried a couple of others before finally landing on the one I’ll be reading now.  Some new books arrived in my Kindle, so I am looking forward to those. 

Let’s grab some coffee and take a closer look at the week.


Tuesday Excerpts:  “The Undoing”

Tuesday Potpourri:  The Gifts of New Books…

Hump Day Potpourri…A Great Start to the Day

Wednesday Reading…

A Rediscovered Book…

Coffee Chat:  Creating a New Normal…

Bookish Friday:  “Sisters”

Saturday Potpourri:  Autumn Tidbits

Review:  Invisible Girl, by Lisa JewellReview:  You Should Have Known (The Undoing), by Jean Hanff Korelitz



Empty physical mailbox!  I did download three e-books…

House of Correction, by Nicci French

I’ll Be Seeing You, by Elizabeth Berg

And an Amazon Prime Freebie:

Girls of Brackenhill, by Kate Moretti



The Silent Wife, by Karin Slaughter


That was my week…what did yours look like?  This past week, I had birthday Champagne cake in the dining room.

And on Halloween, we had a lovely salmon dinner and Red Velvet Cake for dessert.

framed dinner

framed cake 3



  1. I agree…where has the entire year gone?

    Nice reading week…I’m glad you liked INVISIBLE GIRL…it just didn’t work for me. I usually LOVE her books, but I couldn’t get connected to this one.


    ENJOY your books and the last day of October.

    Happy Halloween.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Looking forward to your thoughts on the Elizabeth Berg book! I listened to one audiobook this week – 500 Miles From You by Jenny Colgan. I liked it (as I usually do). A nice distraction.
    Have a good week, Laurel!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I almost forgot about the time change… and yes October FLEW by. Although I’m glad November is here haha- as long as the election goes right. If not, then… well, who knows haha?

    Your dinner looks great! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, yikes, that election is looming overhead, Greg, and I suspect the results will take a while to settle. If ever! I anticipate a lot of chaos.

      Meanwhile, we can focus on our books, movies, etc. Enjoy! I hope you are feeling better.


  4. I love red velvet cake, not that I eat it that often. Yes time is flying, I don’t expect to like 2021 any better, but in the meantime I guess we make the most of each day. Reading, viewing etc. Meanwhile Amazon makes billions from us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, yes, Amazon continues to be my go-to place for replacing supplies, buying books and movies, and just for BEING THERE.

      I hardly ever have red velvet cake, Kathryn, but I did enjoy having it yesterday after that healthy dinner, lol.

      I’m glad your country is doing so well…and I hope you all stay safe.

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  5. Izabel Brekilien

    This month and this year certainly flew by, took us by surprise, who would have thought ?
    I’ve just read the Karin Slaughter is really good, and I have several Nicci French books just in front of me on that shelf that I need to get to. Have a great week, stay safe 🙂
    (and now, I’m dreaming of champagne birthday cake !)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Izabel, I am loving the Karin Slaughter book so far, and I hope it will keep me glued to the pages and distracted from the world around us!

      I am also a fan of Nicci French.

      I recently reordered the first book in the Frieda Klein series to have on my shelves as a print book. I might need to reread it!

      Have a safe and happy week…and keep dreaming.


  6. Glad you had some scrummy cake and a tasty salmon dinner:)). As for 2020 – the year has slid past at speed on one level, and then been a lifetime on another. I hope the coming week is a peaceful one and you enjoy your books!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Sarah, I loved having such a nice dinner, since often we have food that is underwhelming, lol. The holidays usually bring out their best, even Halloween!

      I hope the coming week is peaceful, too, but I have a very bad feeling about the days and weeks ahead. Sigh. Time to burrow into the books and movies!

      Stay safe and enjoy your week.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I have no idea where October went. This entire year has been weird, but I swear that after May I just stopped being aware of the passing of days, It’s all a giant blur. Thankfully we have books and TV shows to keep us occupied. Those cakes look delicious, I hope you enjoyed them! Happy belated birthday and have a wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m with you. Where did this year go? This year is such a terrible year, and yet it is going so fast. Maybe that’s a good thing.

    Happy birthday! I love the birthday champagne cake. I’m going to look for a recipe for that. The salmon dinner with red velvet cake sounds great, too.

    I haven’t read any Elizabeth Berg in so long. I’ll be eager to hear what you think about that one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Laura, even though I am determined not to persist with books that do not grab me, I feel a little guilty when that happens. I always tell myself that I might return to them later…as I have actually done that occasionally.

      Enjoy your week!


    1. Thanks, Gluten Free A-Z, I know that we are stunned that we are still on lockdown here, but since we love reading and watching movies, it isn’t too bad. The anxiety can be held at bay when we are distracted.

      Enjoy your week, and stay safe.


  9. In some ways, I feel like this year has been really long. In other ways, it has flown by. It looks like they feed you well in your retirement community. I would be all over that cake 🙂 I am glad that I am not the only one who has to sometimes try a few books before finding one that sticks. I hope you have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Carole, for a while I didn’t like the food here at all, but lately, I am trying things that work. I did have issues with food right after my surgery.

      Enjoy your week and your books, and may the rest of the year be good!


  10. Around March it felt like everything was in slow motion. It all went so slow. March seemed to last forever. Once the summer months came, it seems like it all sped up and now we are almost at the end of the year. I won’t be missing 2020 either, but I’m a bit nervous what the new year will bring.

    All those Kindle books look good. I want to read them all. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. In some ways it seems like this year has been a decade long, but individually the months do seem to fly by. Glad your books and blogging are keeping you occupied… it seems like I am overwhelmed with news of the upcoming election and am bracing for what may be ahead. Take care and have a good week.

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  12. Glad you had a happy birthday! My birthday is the day before Halloween, so I just celebrated too. Since we can’t travel, we took a virtual trip to Mexico for the Day of the Dead celebrations. I don’t know if I’ve read any of Jean Hanff Korelitz’s books, but I’ve had my eye on them for years because they seem like the kind of novels I like.

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  13. Susan

    The cake looks good but how is the wine? Better keep the good stuff for the room. Will we be able to get thru this week? Sigh, we’ll either be totally elated by the results or totally in the dumps … which I’m not sure we can take anymore. Let’s hope for elation. I’m enjoying the Sue Miller book currently — did you get to that one already? It’s a nice escape … take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Susan, and the wine varies. Most of the time they serve one that is too sweet…and then they will serve one I really enjoy, like last night! When that happens, I give them compliments, but I don’t think the servers are actually involved in choosing the wine, lol.

      My good wine in the apartment is for special times, I guess.

      I am so hoping for a good election…I don’t think I can cry again like I did in 2016! The worst part will be not knowing for a while, and then watching 45 go through his ranting about a “rigged election” if he doesn’t win, and trying to get the courts to overturn it. Sigh.

      Let’s keep hoping, though.

      I loved the Sue Miller book.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Kathy Martin

    Sounds like you had a good week. I can’t remember the last time I watched a movie. I seem to have an incredibly short attention span for visual things. But I can spend hours playing mindless games on my computer. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. This year has plowed on through – a bit different than prior years though.
    Karen Slaughter is the only one of those authors I have read. So many good authors – it’s hard to get to all of them.
    Your birthday champagne cake looks yummy.
    Enjoy your movies and Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

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