Good morning!  Let’s gather around with our caffeinated beverages to chat about our weeks, our books, and our perspectives.  Join our host at Bookishly Boisterous to see what others are sharing.

As I sit here in my apartment waiting for the breakfast tray, I am busy blogging.  I already wrote a post about how I Found Another Neglected Book, in the backlog event.  I have been doing this event for a few weeks and have read a few of them already.  I have brought the others back to the Kindle from where they had been “hiding” in the Cloud!  So that’s a start.

  • This week I have read and reviewed The Request, by David Bell, and I loved it!  I’ve also read my NetGalley ARC that will be released on 8/4/20:  The Night Swim, by Megan Goldin.  I have one more August ARC to read!
  • Currently I am enjoying Friends & Strangers, by J. Courtney Sullivan.
  • I was just scrolling on Facebook and saw a post from my granddaughter Fiona, expressing outrage about Woody Allen being married to someone who had been like a daughter to him, and she wondered why there are no “memes” about it.  I had to remind her that it happened before social media took off…but that there were books and movies about it.
  • I referenced a memoir written by Mia Farrow, which I have on my shelf.  What Falls Away.
  • At the time, I saw a couple of movies about Woody and Mia, too.  I haven’t thought about any of that in years!
  • Perhaps I have thought about it more than I realized, since I have a book on my shelf written by Woody and Mia’s son, Ronan Farrow, a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist, in which he exposes a conspiracy to protect predators: Catch and Kill.
  • I plan to read it soon.  These events are troubling for many of us, as we look around at the world today and see how many people in power are “protected” by their enablers.  Don’t even get me started!
  • Meanwhile, I am trying to enjoy my fiction books, mostly thrillers, and fix attractive meal trays for myself, like this one from yesterday.  The scones were pretty good, and the mimosa, which came from my own grocery supplies, was delicious!  LOL.


What events/books/etc. are keeping you engaged today?  Or keeping you up at night?



  1. Diane

    We do have similar taste in fiction! What a great week in books you had.

    I see so many political (NF) books I think I want to read but, when it gets down to it, I think I can’t handle any more politics with all that has been going on and, in fact, it’s escape fiction that works best.

    Liked by 1 person

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