Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

**Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.


Another week of “sheltering in place” in my apartment, surrounded by my books, laptop, and the movies I am finding online.  I am handling it all pretty well, since I’m basically an introvert of the hermit variety…LOL.  I do miss going out, but I have managed the isolation pretty  well.

I read four books this week, although one was a reread. I wrote six blog posts.  I’ve noticed that when I read more, I write fewer blog posts.  Hmm.

I enjoyed watching more episodes online:  Little Fires Everywhere, Amazon Prime movies, and the first episode of The Good Fight’s fourth season.  Love that show!

So…let’s grab some more caffeine and take a closer look at the week.


Commemorating Bookish Collections

Adding Books & Ranting a Little…

Tuesday Excerpts:  “Safe House”

My Hump Day Reading…

Coffee Chat:  Distractions…

Bookish Friday:  “Something She’s Not Telling Us”

Review:  The Watergate Girl, by Jill Wine-BanksReview:  Cross Her Heart, by Melinda LeighReview:  Elsie Dinsmore, by Martha Finley (a reread)Review:  The Sea Glass Cottage, by RaeAnne Thayne



Two books arrived in my mailbox from Amazon, my favorite friend these days…LOL.  I also downloaded some e-books:  two freebies and two new releases.

Mailbox Treats:

On Second Thought, by Kristan Higgins

The Jane Austen Book Club, by Karen Joy Fowler


Redhead by the Side of the Road, by Anne Tyler


Something She’s Not Telling Us, by Darcey Bell



Cornelli, by Johanna Spyri

Elsie Dinsmore, by Martha Finley (hardcover collectible cover)



Separation Anxiety, by Laura Zigman


Then I plan to start on my May NetGalley reads…


That was my week.  Let’s all hang in there and get through these difficult times.  I’m avoiding most news outlets, especially the ones that are led by the White House.  I am longing to go shopping in a supermarket…sigh.  Until that happens, I will try to find grocery deliveries.  The staff here have shopped for me a couple of times, but they are not available for those tasks very often.

Here is something I am fantasizing about:



  1. Susan

    You remind me I should check out The Good Fight. I used to watch The Good Wife regularly but then never started The Good Fight. I have read & reviewed Separation Anxiety … which perhaps was a bit darker or more of a downer than I was expecting with a cover like that! But I’m glad it’s not dark the whole way through. We need uplifting kinds of reads now right? So that’s why I picked it up in the first place.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Susan, I have loved The Good Fight even more than The Good Wife…the Diane character and some of the others, are definitely anti-Trump and not a bit timid about their feelings. Just what I have needed through these difficult times with him in the WH.



  2. I dislike the isolation but when I hear of the outbreaks of the virus in settings like yours I can see how important it is. Being an introvert does help doesn’t it and reading is such a good past time. I am finding as time goes by I am settling down again to reading a little more.

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    1. Being able to read whenever we want has to be a good side effect of the isolation, even though we hate the reasons for it.

      I’m glad you’re settling into your reading more, Kathryn, and let’s hope that we all stay safe and well.

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  3. I’m the same way with isolating in place- I’m pretty much okay with it as an introvert. Glad you had a good week! And yes- i like new book arrivals. 🙂

    I’m hoping to watch Little Fires at some point.

    Take care this week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Greg, and I love when online streaming involves having a new episode drop every week. We don’t have to binge-watch as much as we do when a whole season is available.

      Enjoy the week!


  4. Literary Feline

    It sounds like you have had a pleasant week, all things considered. I’ve been wanting to read The Jane Austen Club. Separation Anxiety looks so cute. I hope you are enjoying it. I am still trying to talk my husband into getting delivery for groceries, but he keeps insisting on doing it himself. I hope you have a good week. Stay safe and well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Wendy, I haven’t yet reread The Jane Austen Book Club, but I did watch the movie on Amazon Prime!

      I am enjoying Separation Anxiety. I hope it continues to be fun, as last week I was reading one I thought was so good…and then it turned boring and I ended up DNFing it 2/3 of the way through.

      If I could go, I would prefer doing the shopping, but we’re not allowed to leave the residential community. It feels a little like prison, lol.

      My granddaughter said she would shop for me on Monday. I won’t be able to see her, though, as visitors have to leave their goods at the door for staff.

      Stay safe and well, and Happy Easter, even though it doesn’t much feel like a holiday. We are supposed to have a special dinner tonight…we’ll see. The food tray deliveries haven’t been that great so far, lol.


  5. I’m glad you’re safe and healthy, Laurel-Rain. Even if it is a little hard to stay home, it’s easy when we think of the alternative, right?
    I’m a little jealous you got a copy of On Second Thought! I hope you’ll enjoy it. Kristan Higgins is awesome 🙂
    Have a good week ahead, stay safe, and happy reading.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, Linda, and I’m behind on the Higgins books, so I went to her previous books to find this one that I’ve been noticing around.

        I added a grocery app on my phone, but couldn’t find anything I wanted! I guess the stores are going to be a challenge for a while.

        Enjoy your week.


  6. Sounds like you have this isolation thing down to a T, except perhaps the shopping, but I think everyone is finding that hard – I have been going to ours and my grandad’s food shop. Also a happy and blessed Easter to you! ✝❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jessica, and how great to have a food shop in the family!

      And yes, the shopping is a challenge. I thought I had it sorted when I put a grocery store app on my phone, but couldn’t find anything I wanted!

      Have a great Easter!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

    I have been meanign to read/watch Little flies everywhere for a while now. Maybe soon. And I can relate to being a hermit and that I am more comfortable staying in for longer time than others. But still not having the option to got out is a dampener.

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  8. I thought I’d handle the UK lockdown better than I have. I’m so restless, I can’t settle to read and I’ve literally started dreaming about things like going to the supermarket and out shopping with a trip to a food court… I’m not even a huge fan of going to the food court when shopping but, apparently, my brain wants it! lol
    I keep reminding myself that if we all do as needed now we’ll start getting our freedoms back sooner than we otherwise would. (Plus save more lives.)

    I like the sound of the Jane Austin Bookclub. I’m almost certain I have that one on my bookshelf but I haven’t read it yet. Think I’ll go check! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Nicci, I’ve been having vivid dreams, too! I actually read somewhere that anxieties like we’re facing do tend to bring those kinds of dreams.

      I watched the Prime movie of the Jane Austen Book Club and really liked seeing it again. Another movie I used to own, but “lost” in the move. So glad for Prime.

      Enjoy your week and stay safe and well.


  9. Trin Carl

    I’ll have to check out ‘The Good Fight’s’ . It’s been an interesting week for me, but I’m learning lots. I love that quote, ‘what are you doing while you’re waiting?’ I think it suits me right now.

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    1. Thanks, Trish, I have tried to arrange my NG ARCs so that I don’t have too many releasing all at once, but I have three in May. So I should get started with them. I will put them off as long as possible, as I have other books I want to slip into the queue. We’ll see!

      I read the book Little Fires a while ago (October 2017), but viewing the show brought it all back. I think I could have gone in without reading the book, though.



  10. Great updates, Laurel-Rain. I’m glad you’re handling the isolation well. I’m an introvert too, so I’ve been doing pretty good with this myself. 🙂
    I love your book choices. They’re always so similar to mine. But you do a much better job with actually reading them!! I’m so behind. Playing catch-up now. 🤦🏽‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person

      1. My Kindle books are definitely neglected the most since they are sort of out of sight out of mind. But when I see a cover of one of my physical books I’m like…😍, and I start reading one of those. 🤦🏽‍♀️
        Unless I’m familiar with an author and know a book will be good, the covers get me every time. 😌
        You too Laurel-Rain. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader

    Being the quiet and introvert type is certainly helpful in these times Laurel! And that’s also expected if you read ore, you have less time left to produce! Stay safe and have a good week!

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  12. Being an introvert and living in rural Arkansas, the COVID19 isolation is no different than my normal, every day life, so I haven’t had to adjust to anything…except empty shelves.

    We don’t have Instacart or any other grocery delivery service here so, unfortunately, I have to continue shopping in person, but I can see how people in your situation are longing to jump in their own cars and do their own shopping, so I am trying to feel grateful that I can do that.

    Since the Arkansas Governor hasn’t issued any statewide mandates or anything, you don’t see many masks or gloves in our grocery stores or drive thrus. It’s interesting because the KFC/Taco Bell has their employees decked out in both masks and gloves but the McDonalds employees have zero protection.

    I’m continuing to watch and enjoy Little Fires Everywhere. What’s cool is about a book done series-style is that they can devote an entire episode to backstories like they did on the episode I watched last night.

    Another really good series I’ve started is UnOrthodox on Netflix.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jinjer, I do miss grocery shopping, although food is provided here and now delivered to our apartments. But I am always longing for the extra goodies they don’t bring.

      I liked watching those backstories, too.

      Since I live in a residential community, there have been rules that control our comings and goings since mid-March.

      I am grateful that my introvert habits are a good thing.

      Enjoy your week.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. May already? I still have sooo many left for April!
    You might try to browse the internet for smaller local stores that are delivering. We have cafes etc that are delivering to remain in bus8ness and some will also deliver things they don’t usuallly stock.

    Wishing you a great reading week, good health and a Happy Easter 🐣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Shelleyrae, I am glad that I didn’t have any NetGalley ARCs for April! I have three for May 19.

      I did find a grocery app for my phone, for Von’s, but I haven’t tried it yet! I’m a little nervous.

      There is also one for Walmart, but I have deep-seated biases against that store; probably irrational ones. LOL.

      I hope you also have a great week.

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  14. I read the new Anne Tyler book, and I thought it was very good. I also finished Separation Anxiety yesterday, and I liked that one, too.

    You are doing well with reading and blogging. I vary between doing well and doing poorly. Today is one of those doing-poorly days. It’s all I can do to blog, and I’ve never been like that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Deb, I haven’t done a lot today, probably because it’s the day for the housekeeper, and I like visiting with her while she works. Desperation of the housebound person without any visitors allowed! LOL.

      I am loving Separation Anxiety so far, though.

      Enjoy your week.


  15. Oh you had some excellent reads this week. I also loved Cross Her Heart. On Second Thought by Higgins is a good one too. We are all doing the best we can. I’ve had success with grocery delivery by planning a week in advance. But with gluten-free we can only get certain things at certain places, and end up going to 4 different places. I plan carefully so we can do a different one by delivery each week. Yay for dessert! I made mini cheesecakes for this week.

    Have a healthy, safe week! Happy Easter!

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Anne, and I hope to find some things on the Von’s store app I just put on my phone. But I haven’t tried it yet.

      I do order things from Amazon, but the only food items I’ve tried have been coffee, tea, and my favorite Dave’s bread. Those items took a while to arrive, though.

      Enjoy your week.


    1. Thanks, Yvonne, I hope we get back to normal before they completely run out of soap episodes, which are filmed a little in advance, but not by much. Days has the most in the can, and can see us through the fall.

      The others are only showing episodes four days a week.

      I like all the books I’ll be reading soon. Enjoy yours.

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      1. I actually don’t mind GH only have 4 new episodes a week. It gives me a break, although I’m really not making the most of the extra time. LOL I read that Days has enough to go through October. It’s too bad GH’s re-airing of a classic episode on Friday isn’t all that classic. It’s a recent episode so I don’t bother watching.

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  16. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    Glad to hear you’re holding up with the shelter in place order. I’m an essential worker (at a hospital) so I still have to go in, but my hours have been reduced, so a little bit of a break. I don’t mind staying at home either. I’m a homebody at heart.

    I enjoyed On Second Thought. Hope you do, too! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I have that Kristan Higgins book too from when she visited Cleveland last summer. Not sure why it’s still in my TBR pile – I love her! We’ve been doing grocery delivery too, but not everything is available that way so we have to do our best with what we can get. Stay healthy!

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  18. Cheryl Malandrinos

    I finally broke down and ordered food out because I simply couldn’t stand the thought of cooking Saturday night. I love cooking, but not when I am forced to every day. I haven’t used Instacart for groceries yet, but I am coming close to trying it.

    I’ve been meaning to look at The Jane Austen Book Club. On Second thought seems good too. Hope you enjoy all your books.

    Praying you stay safe and healthy.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Enjoy your week, and I will also break down and order, but I just want groceries. Our meals are cooked for us, but I often want something different. We don’t even have a stove, but I have a microwave and my coffee pot.

      I plan to reread The Jane Austen Book Club, but in the meantime, I can watch the movie over and over. There is a good cast of familiar actors, like Amy Brenneman, Emily Blunt, Jimmy Smits, Hugh Dancy, Maria Bello and Kathy Baker.

      Stay safe!


  19. I was just telling my husband the staying home part is the easiest part for me – probably because I am naturally introverted as well. I miss my family more than places – although I can’t wait to go to the library again!

    Have you tried Amazon Prime Pantry? We have ordered some things from there although the turnaround time is like two weeks. I just keep up steady orders every week or so. I do order groceries but I am able to pick them up – are you able to get grocery delivery?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Erin, and yes, I do miss people, too. I liked Face Time with my daughter yesterday, and she will come by today when I am on my scheduled time out of the apartment…we will peek through the window. LOL.

      I have scrolled through Amazon Prime Pantry…so far, I haven’t ordered from them, although I did get my favorite bread from one of their grocery sites. It did take a while.

      I am checking on the grocery deliveries…I put a Von’s app on my phone. But again, many items are not available.

      I have had the best luck turning in a list to staff…I just missed last week’s cut-off. Sigh.


  20. I really miss getting out. I generally hate grocery shopping but miss it now. Having them delivered is handy but it’s not the same. Oh well, I need to be thankful for what we have.

    I hope you have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kathy, and I am feeling like I must be one of those “entitled” people who was used to having what I want when I want it! LOL.

      It wasn’t even true, but since my wants were pretty simple, it worked.

      The last time I went grocery shopping was the weekend before lockdown started…and I knew the isolation was coming. It was a lot of fun. But the empty shelves had already started, so not that much fun.

      Enjoy your week.


  21. Hello! I’m happy to hear you have managed the isolation quite well, all things considered. I want to read Something She’s Not Telling Us too, I hope you enjoy it too. Have a good week!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Kathy Martin

    My brother does all our grocery shopping. We just got some masks today which make me feel a little better about him in grocery stores. I have been listening to a lot of audiobooks and have gotten behind on writing the reviews. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Sounds like another good week for you and good reading too.
    You have a nice selection of new books to enjoy.
    In time we will get to start living more normally. Till then, stay safe and happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

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