Good morning!  It’s time for a Coffee Chat…and today, as always, I’m linking to Bookishly Boisterous for Bookish/Not So Bookish Thoughts.

  • My reading this week has been good so far, and I’ve read and reviewed two of my August NetGalley review books.  Click titles for my reviews:  Mrs. Fletcher, by Tom Perrotta; and Girl in Snow, by Danya Kukafta.
  • Sadly, I broke out in the rash again after my hair appointment, so the supposedly organic dye did nothing to prevent it.  Luckily, I had some of the ointment that worked quickly last time, and it was gone in two days.
  • I am done with dye!  Going gray, folks!  Maybe I’ll do highlights (the foiled pieces seem to keep the dye away better).
  • My daughter is in denial, since she picks the dye…she thinks there is something else going on with me (never mind that the rash comes directly after the dye jobs, and my doctor agrees with me!)…and her inability to take responsibility means that I can’t risk it again!
  • The long hot summer is getting on my nerves, even aside from the rashes…I have to strip down to almost nothing in order to stand the heat, even with the oscillating fan.  I have clothes nearby…just in case I have to rush out during a fire…LOL.  (This is not a selfie!)

  • I enjoyed a barbecue on the weekend…everyone else was swimming, but I still had the rash, so, no…I sat in the shade and read my book.
  • I can’t believe that I haven’t been out to one of my lunches or dinners this week!  The rash, the heat, my mood…
  • My granddaughter Fiona has been working in Yosemite all summer.  This past week, all of her siblings gathered around for a get-together, and one of her brothers came all the way from North Dakota!  Others live in various parts of California.  And all of the grandkids were together, too!  Here are a few of them in the pool…staying cool!

  • I can’t remember the last time that all of my grown kids gathered together.  I think it was 1999!  I either have two of them, or even three…but not all four.  Here are the four, captured at the end of the 1990s…

  • Two summers ago, my European son and his wife joined us…I still love the memories.  But while they visited my second son in LA and saw my daughter and me here, they didn’t make it up far north to see my youngest son.
  • Currently I am taking a break from my NetGalley books…and reading one of my purchases:  Bad Housekeeping, by Maia Chance.  I am ready for a light cozy.

  • Then I’ll pick up another NetGalley book, to be released on 8/8:  Emma in the Night, by Wendy Walker:

  • The more that I talk about heat, rashes, and not seeing all of my kids together…my mood darkens.  I should stop while I’m ahead!  LOL
  • I thought I didn’t go out at all this week, but I just remembered that I went to the mall nearby and bought two new tops!  Now I have something new to wear, which always cheers me up.


Enjoy the week…stay cool, if you are in hot weather…and find only good books to read!



  1. Patty

    I am so sorry about your mood. It happens sometimes that no matter what we do…we get grumpy. I totally agree with you about your hair and coloring it…natural will be so much better for you. I hope you will be able to feel more cheerful and cooler soon. Our weather has turned a bit cooler but rain every day is a constant.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Patty, and the more grumpy I get, the less anyone wants to be around me! LOL.

      But I know it’s the combination of the rashes, the dilemma over to-dye or not to-dye, and my daughter’s denial…add the heat, and you’ve got a cranky woman!

      Thanks for stopping by, and I love how you hang in there despite everything!


  2. Oh, the heat puts me in a mood as well. Sorry the rash is related to the hair color but I’ll bet you’ll really rock the natural look! LOL on “not a selfie”. I really laughed when I read that 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Mary, and while I knew that the previous hair dye had caused the rash, I had hoped the supposed organic color would be different.

      I’ve been noticing others with their natural color lately….and I think I might be ready.

      I’m glad you enjoyed my attempt at humor with the “not a selfie.”


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