a cup of joe on a Sunday


Good morning!  Join in today to explore my interior world, and check in at West Metro Mommy Reads, for other Snapshot posts.

My interior world has changed dramatically since the arrival of my house guests.  My eldest son has been living in Europe on and off for the past twenty years, and more recently, he has made Berlin his home.  It had been eight years since he last visited, and two years ago, he and his lovely partner, Gabi, tied the knot.

While I had visited via Skype, the opportunity to enjoy them in person was a fabulous gift.

When they landed in California, they spent a few days in LA before coming here to Central California.  Here are a couple of shots of their adventures.  Below, snapshots of The Broadway, in Hollywood, where my second son lives and where they stayed.



The Broadway - 1


the broadway 2


Then they enjoyed the fireworks from the rooftop:


the broadway - fireworks


When they finally arrived in Central California, they took up temporary residence in my office/guest room…and I moved my temporary blogging/writing station here, into the dining room:





temporary office 2


I love having my normal routines shaken up a bit….it is definitely fun to see how I can rearrange things.

I also love all the family time.  We move back and forth between my home and my daughter’s, and every night is like a party.  I am not sure how long we will have them here…they are in the states for almost three months, but also plan to drive up the coast.

Probably they will want to visit my youngest son and his wife in the northernmost parts of the state (below).



Crescent City



Do you enjoy shaking up your interior world now and then?  I know that sometimes I am stuck in a routine of blogging, reading, and visiting other blogs.  And while I love that part of my life, it is great to realize that I can enjoy a lot more.

Traveling may be on my horizon.  What about you?



  1. Patty

    I love that you are having such fun! I love shaking things up but I like doing that away from my house…I like closing the door and leaving everything neat and tidy and in place. But…without children…I can do that! I love that you are so versatile and easy going!


  2. Love the read dining chairs and fruit! Nice spot while you are being ‘shaken up’! I love time with family, it brings lots of warm memories later on. But I also love my quiet and time for reading etc. They complement each other. I’ll shake up my routine in September when I go across to Australia for a week’s holiday, but I am not much of a traveller really!


    1. Thanks, Kathryn…I always feel cheerful in my dining room, even if I’m not using it for eating! LOL

      Now my guests are at my daughter’s for a few days, but we usually have dinner together at her place or out somewhere. I do plan to take advantage of quiet time and read.

      Your holiday in Australia sounds lovely! And I don’t like to travel too far…mostly by car up and down the state. I don’t like flying…sigh.


  3. I do like to shake things up occasionally but I’m always happy to return to my routine 🙂 Sounds like you’re having a wonderful time with the family.


  4. So glad you are able to spend time with your family that lives farther away! Those times are special. Enjoy your future travels. We may make a few short trips this summer, nothing major though. We are pretty set in our ways too, it seems.


    1. Thanks for visiting, Judy, and I don’t like to think of myself as “set in my ways,” but I realize that is the case. My travels are short trips, too. I think “the kids” will be going up and down the state, visiting other places and family members.


  5. I’m glad you’re enjoying your time with your son and daughter in law!
    I used to move the furniture around a lot, but haven’t in quite a few years.


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Vicki, and I get the urge to move things around every few months…less now than I once did, but mostly because, in my small space, there aren’t a lot of changes to be made. I like shaking things up for family.




  8. Linda

    I so love your dining room! Everything about it!!! Skype is so nice to have – that way people can still keep close when they are apart. But nothing beats being together in person!!

    Linda in VA


    1. Thanks, Linda…I always feel good in there, with all the colorful items. As for turning it into my temporary office, it works. We seldom eat in the dining room, since we have coffee tables and trays in the living room. I used to have another table in an adjacent area that worked for dining, but I gave it to my daughter when she moved into her house (which we love for dinners, etc.).

      Yes, Skype works, but it isn’t the same.


  9. I like having everything organized and in its place, but our home and routine do get shaken when we foster pets. Doors get closed. Furniture gets moved about. Etc.

    Your article also made me wonder what it’s like for my family, whom we visit every summer. They have a guest room where we stay, but I know their routine is effected by us. Someday I’ll have to ask them what it feels like them for them when we crash at their place for a month. 🙂


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