Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.

My week has been interesting.  I read and reviewed two books, both of which were great.  I did set aside a third book, but will probably pick it up again later.  I also wrote a lot of blog posts…but then WordPress closed off that back door to the classic editor and now I am forced to use the Block Editor.  I am struggling!

So this post will be shorter than usual.  Let’s take a closer look at the week:


Tuesday Excerpts:  “To Tell You the Truth”

Another Bookish Week…

Coffee Chat:  Binge-Watching, Etc.

September Wrap-Up…

A Book Overlooked…

Bookish Friday:  “The Truth About Melody Browne”

Friday Potpourri:  Tidbits…

Review:  Three Perfect Liars, by Heidi Perks

Review:  To Tell You the Truth, by Gilly Macmillan



From Amazon:

Jackie and Maria, by Gill Paul



Life in Pieces, by Dawn O’Porter



The Truth About Melody Browne, by Lisa Jewell


That was my week.  I will stumble along, trying to maneuver with the Block Editor…and occasionally eat pineapple and coconut ice cream.


71 thoughts on “WEEKLY UPDATES…

    1. I thought I had escaped the Block Editor, Shaniqui, when others were forced into it. But then, suddenly, I couldn’t get in through the “back door.”

      I did discover that there is a version of Classic Editor on the Block format…but it isn’t easy to work around. Sigh.

      Good luck keeping your Classic Editor!


  1. Oh I’m sorry to hear about the editor. Sounds so frustrating… I know I’ve been struggling with new Blogger as well. My Sunday Posts usually don’t take me too long to put together since I have a rhythm now but new Blogger is suddenly taking me two or three times as long…

    Life in Pieces looks interesting!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Greg, I really hate when big blogging changes make our ordinary tasks so awkward and frustrating! LOL.

      I am really looking forward to Life in Pieces, since it is supposed to be about this whole strange year…and lockdowns.

      Enjoy your week!


  2. Um… one way to work around the block editor is to COPY an older post that you made in the classic editor, and then use that as your template. It isn’t perfect, but it works for me, and nothing ends up in blocks. I now have a book review template in my drafts and I just copy that every time I want to write a new review. Maybe I’ll write a post about how I did this.

    Also, I hope you enjoy Jackie & Maria. I, unfortunately, DNF it because of all the inaccuracies (which she admits to fully). I just know too much about these women and the men in their lives to suspend belief to read this. But if they’re mostly unknown personalities to you, she does write nicely… so again, I hope you enjoy it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great idea, Davida! I am off to do that very thing! I did a partial copying of my Friday Book Beginnings/56 post…but doing it for reviews would make life easier.


      I had heard mixed thoughts on Jackie and Maria…and I don’t know a lot about Maria, but seeing inaccuracies about Jackie might be frustrating.

      Enjoy your week!


  3. Ha I’ve just spent quite awhile trying to get my post done for Monday! I was forded into block editor as well this weekend. Bothersome people! I see above someone says copy and paste a post but I do that already and it was still demanding block stuff. I’ve mucked around and finally got something together. Your books all sound great and maybe the the right time for the book put aside will come again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One thing I discovered as I fumbled around: there is one block called Classic Editor, and while it isn’t perfect, it does offer a way to find some of the familiar actions. But it kept leaving the page, and I had to keep putting it back!

      Why are they doing this to us, Kathryn? They proclaim it is an easier method, but there is nothing easy about it!

      For a while, I thought they would not force the issue…sigh. I was wrong!

      Meanwhile, I just now copied a couple of posts for my template folder…and I’ll see if that works out.

      Enjoy your week and your books. After I set aside Anxious People (it made me too anxious trying to keep up with all the weirdness!), I did love To Tell You the Truth…and I’m enjoying The Truth About Melody Browne. A very different kind of story for this author.


      1. Ha I’ve just been preparing my Monday post and then I went into the schedule bit and thought I’d done it and pushed publish and the d*** thing published! So its early and I’ll just let it be and have to study up on that change!!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m sorry to hear you are having problems with Block Editor – My account has now switched over to it now as well and I struggled to write a post with it. But then by accident I discovered I could still get on Classic Editor. In the WordPress Dashboard if I just click on the title of my posts it takes me to the dreaded Block Editor, however in the options under the title I found there was edit and classic editor, so I was able to complete Sunday Reflection post! I hope you might have this option too! Take care and happy reading! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmm, I will check for that! I did find a block called “Classic Editor” that offered some of the same actions I normally take. That made it a little more manageable, but it was elusive! Every time I moved to another action, it would disappear and I would have to find it again!

      Is 2020 the year of all kinds of frustrations? LOL

      Enjoy your week, Jessica, and I like when people leave comments on how they are beating the system.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Laurel! Ugh, I hate it when things change with our editors. I’m actually highly considering the move from Blogger to WordPress….. I wonder if I could manage it? I haven’t been blogging in ages so everything has changed since I last spent time on my blog anyways so either way I’m learning a new system!

    Coconut icecream sounds divine… I think I need some!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I started with WP in 2009, and they made very few changes since that time; most of the changes I could work around. If I had to start with how this Block Editor is now…I don’t know what I would do. But I actually hated Blogger by the end, with how there were very few options in templates, etc.

      I hope you enjoy whatever you decide to do, Di.


  6. Mareli Thalwitzer

    Everybody seems to struggle with blog templates lately! Blogger and WordPress. I bought a brand new template about a week before Blogger’s new interface and it seems to be my saving grace.

    I can’t wait until Jackie and Maria will be available in South Africa! Really want to read that one. Hope you enjoy it!

    Have a good week and here’s my latest update: The Sunday Post #13

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Susan

    Hi Laurel, sorry to hear about this WordPress stuff … I use WP too … and half the time I don’t know what I’m doing. I just wish they would keep with one thing. The Classic is easier! I must admit I don’t take the time to learn all about it …. I just want it to work! I want to get in & post it and then get out. Blah! I’m more into the content than the web mechanics etc. Hope your upcoming week is better ….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Susan, and what annoys me most is how the administrative staff are touting the Block Editor as easier! Today some other bloggers wrote that they copy and paste some sample posts from when they used the Classic Editor…and use them as the template. I think it might help!

      Let’s hope we have no more annoying events this year! RBG’s death was like the last straw.

      Have a great week.


  8. Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

    I might be the minority but I love the new editor and feel free to msg on social media or through my blog if you need any help using it. Pineapple and Coconut icecream sounds yummy!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Life in Pieces sounds hilarious! That’s the perfect title for a book about the craziness of 2020.

    I was on Blogger from 2009-2016. I took my extensive break and came back on WordPress in June, straight into the Gutenberg editor. Oh boy. I didn’t realize it was kind of new to everyone and thought it was just me. I was on the struggle bus. I thought seriously about going back to Blogger, I disliked Gutenberg so much. But I stuck with it and I’ve got the hang of it now. Feel free to reach out if there’s ever anything I can help you with!

    Good luck and enjoy your week!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I too found cut the back door gone this week. I sort of have a hack figured out but it’s a bit more time consuming. I’m on a iPad so I write the post in the Notes app, then copy and past them into the WP app, add links, formating tags etc and save as a draft, then open WP via Safari, choose the classic editor, add images and then schedule/post. Ridiculous isn’t it!

    I’ll be interested to learn what you think of Life in Pieces

    Wishing you a great reading week

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Sounds like WordPress is getting as aggravating as Blogger. I hope you’ll figure it out soon. Hopefully I will too 🙂

    I want to read Jackie and Maria. That looks really good.

    I hope you enjoy your books and have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Does it make you feel any better to know that we at Blogger are struggling just as much as those of you at WordPress? Why, why, why? Why mess with a good thing?

    I’m eager to hear what you think about Life in Pieces. It will be the first book that is coming out of life during the pandemic.

    Curious, too, about Jackie and Maria.

    I hope things get better with WordPress. Have a good week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, Deb, I think that when everyone is suffering, it does help. LOL.

      I don’t get why they have to mess with things. Do they ever consider asking the users what they think?

      I am also eager to read Life in Pieces…and I’m always up for more about Jackie.


  13. I have never learned how to use WP. It’s a puzzle to me. I love my Blogspot. It’s just easier for me.
    I’m fairly new with the blog thing though. I accidentally started WP many years ago. Never did anything with it.

    I think the book LIFE IN PIECES sounds great. I’ll have to check out your review also.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. It’s much appreciated.

    Have a great reading week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Linda, despite the current WP challenges, I have preferred it to Blogger. It is good that we can each make our choices based on what is comfortable for us.

      I can’t wait to read Life in Pieces. Enjoy your week!


  14. Kathy Martin

    Do you think WordPress noticed the frustrations of those of us trying to get used to the new Blogger and decided to frustrate its users too? At least there are good books to read even if blogging about them is rather more difficult. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi Lorraine,

    I have a stylised WordPress theme and have so far managed to avoid having to swap to the block format, but from what you are all saying, I can see that the writing is on the wall. Can you tell me what effect the new format has had on all you older existing posts – does it change their format automatically, or are they scrambled?

    I love pineapple and coconut together and your ice-cream reminds me of a drink I used to buy over here, many years ago – ‘Malibou’. It was a pineapple and coconut based liquor, which I made into a longer drink by mixing it with fresh orange juice – delicious!!

    I like the sound of the Lisa Jewell book and I hope that you are enjoying it!

    Have a great week 🙂

    Yvonne xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So far, it looks like previous posts remain unchanged. In fact some bloggers have mentioned copying old posts to use as templates for memes and reviews.

      That drink sounds fabulous!

      I know that it will take a while to be comfortable with the posting.Take care and hang in there, Yvonne.


  16. Literary Feline

    I had heard WordPress had made some changes which were causing more problems than helping. Blogger went through something similar recently too. I’m still waiting for them to make things better. Jackie and Maria looks like it will be good. I hope you are enjoying The Truth About Melody Browne. Have a great week, Laurel- Rain!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I am with you on struggling with the block editor over at Mailbox Monday. After two or three weeks, I think I have managed to acclimate to the new blogger at my own blog.

    Is there a particular Lisa Jewel title you would recommend? I want to read her someday.

    I had raspberry ripple ice cream after lunch so I like your sharing ice cream.
    Stay safe and I hope you enjoy all of your new books.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Martha; I have loved all of Lisa Jewell’s books so far, but my first will always be one I think about. The House We Grew Up In has such a lovely setting and family moments, but also so many issues that kept me engaged.

      Some of her other books are the thriller type, and also kept me turning pages.

      Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting.


    1. Thanks, Tina, I do find the new editor challenging…the more I practice, though, the more I pick up occasional ways to help me. Like discovering there is a block called “classic block.”

      Let’s hang in there and see what happens!

      Enjoy your week and your books.


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