Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon and The Sunday Post for weekly updates.

Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.

This week was another one for hibernating in my apartment, reading and viewing old favorite movies and a new episode of The Good Fight.  I read and reviewed three books and wrote seven blog posts.

I seem to read and write more when I have no outings, but I hope to go out more this coming week.

I am hoping to see family this weekend, but I don’t know if anything is planned that will include me.  Either way, I find things to keep me busy.

Let’s take a closer look at the past week.



Tuesday Excerpts:  “Dream Girl”

Tuesday Potpourri:  Book Love…

Monthly Wrap-Up…

Digging Deep Into My Shelves…

Dolls I Am Loving…

Bookish Friday:  “Survive the Night”

Reflections on a Friday…

Review:  The Therapist, by B.A. Paris (NG-7/13/21)

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Review:  Pack up the Moon, by Kristan Higgins

ratings worms 4-cropped

Review:  Dream Girl, by Laura Lippman

ratings worms 4-cropped



I received a new NetGalley ARC and downloaded three purchased e-books

The Last House on the Street (e-book), by Diane Chamberlain – (NG – 1/14/22)



Survive the Night, by Riley Sager

The Fiancee, by Kate White

The House Guests, by Emilie Richards


CURRENTLY READING: The Stepsisters, by Susan Mallery


That was my week. What did yours look like? I hope everyone has a great weekend, and Happy Fourth of July if you celebrate it.

I plan to open a bottle of Champagne tomorrow and make a mimosa or two!



  1. It’s always nice to visit old favorites. I love settling in with an older movie sometimes. 🙂

    And I like the look of your Riley Sager book- that’s an author I’ve thought about trying…

    Hope you are having an awesome weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Greg, I only recently discovered Riley Sager, but I’ve loved every one I’ve read so far.

      My old favorite movies this weekend have included the Meg Ryan/Tom Hanks film “You’ve Got Mail,” always a feel good movie for me.

      Have a great week.


  2. Literary Feline

    I hope you were able to see family this weekend like you hoped. I had forgotten it was a holiday weekend, honestly. And I was the one who put together the holiday schedule for work! I’m just glad I am not working. The Last House on the Street sounds good as do your recent purchases. I hope you enjoy them all! Have a great week, Laurel-Rain.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Wendy, I will enjoy the day in my apartment with books and movies…if nothing else happens today! That is the gift of last year’s isolation…we can enjoy our own company! LOL

      Have a great week.


  3. So many good books! I think I want them all! I hope you have a wonderful July 4th and a great week. I think we are going to keep things low key though a mimosa or two sounds pretty great! I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am glad you have been able to read more Laurel-Rain, but I do also hope you are able to be out more and see your family this weekend. 🤞🙂 My week went by in a bit of blur of work, sleep and football, and sadly not as much reading as I would have hoped, as I had to give up on a book I wasn’t enjoying. Here’s to more reading next week!. Take care and happy reading. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I hope the mimosa is delicious and that you have a great week, Laurel:). My mother and father are not going out so much, as infection rates are rising so steeply again in the UK – though they have both been double vaccinated, they don’t want to take any silly risks. Take care and happy reading:).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Sarah, and welcome back! I completely agree about not taking silly risks.I don’t plan to go to any events today, especially since some people here are still not vaccinated!

      I do hope to enjoy the mimosa. Have a great day!


  6. I really liked The Stepsisters. The Diane Chamberlain book looks really good. I have to add that to my wishlist.

    I’m not doing much for July 4th. Will probably just read. I hope you enjoy the holiday. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Whether you spend it with family or with your own, fine self, I hope you have an enjoyable day. Our little Village had all the 4th of July stuff yesterday and it all sounds like SO MUCH FUN…pancake breakfast at the fire house, Farmer’s Market at the Town Center, fireworks on the lake, but I am just too dang scared of bugs to do all that outdoorsy stuff. lol Instead, I will spend the weekend inside with my books, zombie series, the 94-yo, and the cat. I found some weird “no bake Jello cheesecake” in a box that I might attempt to make today and I also desperately need to go grocery shopping.

    Hope you have a good week!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Happy 4th of July. I’m reading a Netgalley arc at the moment, it’s started quite strong so I have high hopes. It’s a new to me author so there is always a risk that the book won’t be to my taste. Have a great week and happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You had a good week. The Therapist sounds like it was fabulous. I’ve heard lots of good things about that author.

    The Fiancee and The House Guests both look promising.

    Happy Fourth of July, Laurel! Firecrackers going off both north and south of me tonight. It sounds like I’m in Beirut.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. We had a family dinner on Saturday night with my parents so they could catch up with my daughter while she’s home with uni – my Mum actually recommended I watch The Good Fight during dinner.
    With my kids home for school holidays I have slacked off on bloggish things this past week but I figure the books aren’t going anywhere.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Juli @ A Universe in Words

    I hope you enjoyed your mimosas! All your new books look great, I’m also desperate to read ‘Survive the Night’! I hope you have a lovely week with a nice balance between reading and outings 🙂
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    Liked by 1 person

  12. A mimosa sounds like a delicious idea!
    I forgot Riley Sager had a new book coming out, I need to see if my library has it. I saw The Fiancee at the store and it sounds good. Hope you enjoy it, and have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

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