Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon and The Sunday Post for weekly updates.

Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.

It has been another week of hanging out in my apartment, reading and watching movies.  I finished The Kominsky Method and viewed a few old favorites, too.  I binge-watched Dirty John:  Betty Broderick, and Mare of Easttown.  I only read and reviewed two books…sigh, and I only managed five blog posts.

You know how you think you’ve handled something challenging, like the Word Press Block Editor?  Well, just when I think I’ve got it, something else comes along to thwart me.  Firefox brought out a new browser that is so different from the previous one that I am struggling along, trying to find the things that used to work…and having to Google how to copy and paste, for example!

Now I just want to curl up and sleep!  LOL

I am not ready for more big changes!  But I guess I will flounder along until I sort it all out.



Tuesday Excerpts: “My Lies, Your Lies”

Goodbye to May!

WWW Reading…

Rediscovering Neglected Books…

Bookish Friday:  “Home Fires”

Review:  The Break-Up Book Club, by Wendy Wax

cropped again 5

Review:  Before She Disappeared, by Lisa Gardner

ratings worms 4-cropped




CURRENTLY READING: I have picked up a handful of books and set them aside.  I am having a minor slump!  But I think I might start reading You Will Remember Me, by Hannah Mary McKinnon.


Now I want to just watch movies all day!  But I might go to the dining room for dinner, since  I missed all the meals yesterday.  It has been that kind of week.

What did your week look like?  Here is my newest doll, Payton, curled up in my bookshelf.



  1. I’m sorry your week has been so bad. Maybe the upcoming one will be much better. I do hope it is.
    My week was ok. Nothing special but it wasn’t a bad one so that’s a good thing.
    You will enjoy the book. I did.
    The doll is adorable.
    Have a nice weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Susan

    You never have a reading slump! But don’t worry you’ll come back strong. We have finished Mare of Easttown HBO show — it’s worth seeing. I must admit … I dont know much about Word Press … I barely get by, ha. But I wish you less aggravation with it. I totally commiserate. Enjoy your week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Susan, and thanks for reminding me of Mare of Easttown! I knew there was something I wanted to watch.

      I’m loving the newest Betty Broderick miniseries on Netflix. (Under Dirty John).

      Enjoy your weekend!


  3. Payton is a doll. LOL I couldn’t resist!
    My week was full of company, each getting in one last visit before I am tied up with summer school. Three of us girlfriends who have known each other more than 40 years got together for lunch at my house. It was lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Rae, and I LOVE girlfriend get-togethers! There have not been any in a while, although one old friend of 50 years regularly comes by and takes me out to coffee or lunch!

      Ha-ha, yes, Payton is a doll. I had a collection of porcelain dolls, most of which I “lost” in the move, so the rag dolls have taken their place.

      Enjoy your week!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hmm I don’t use Firefox. I guess the plus side of struggling to learn the new bits is that it is developing new neural pathways in your brain. Or so they say anyway. I hope the McKinnon book does the trick.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kathryn, and I’ve tried other browsers, but Firefox has been my favorite. Except these recent changes are trying hard to ruin things…but I hope they will “develop new neural pathways” for me!

      I think I’ve figured out a few things, but these changes are always frustrating.

      I have barely started the McKinnon book, but liking it so far. Instead I finished watching a show on Netflix about Betty Broderick that was an update of the one from the 90s…and discovered a show with Kate Winslet that has kept me intrigued (Mare of Easttown).

      Enjoy your week!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Changes are not fun! At least those kind. 🙂 And watching movies sounds fun. I’ve been watching more this week (at the expense of my reading, but shrug)…

    Hope you’re having a nice weekend – and have a nice week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am definitely loving new shows I seem to find on a regular basis. I watched Mare of Easttown yesterday, and almost finished Season 1.

      I have decided that viewing might be more fruitful than reading sometimes…but then I’m always glad to grab another book.

      Enjoy your week, Greg.


  6. Aw no, not more changes! I am with you: I hate all this so-called ‘updating’ and changing! I hope you are able to get your head around it and get of your reading slump soon! 🤞😵 And if staying in and watching films makes you feel better go for it – sometimes we just need to chill and recuperate, and that’s okay. 😊

    As for my week, the sun finally came out to play in the UK and I have enjoyed being out in the garden: reading and sunbathing, where I was swept away in the YA fantasy Eragon by Christopher Paolini. 😎🐲

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jessica, I haven’t had any real outdoor fun since the so-called courtyard here is boring and has ruts and bumps that threaten to trip me!

      I would enjoy a nice stroll in my old neighborhood!

      I eventually figured out a few things on the browser…and then found more shows to love!

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  7. Maureen Bakker

    Ugh.. I’m really not a fan of changes either. Especially ones that involve my blog, because they just freak me out.
    Your current read looks interesting.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I know what you mean about WP’s block editor. It’s so frustrating. Through my WP plan, I’m still able to use classic editor, but I’m afraid they’ll eventually take it away. I hope your upcoming week is better!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Well, I hope you got to just relax and watch movies today. What a frustrating week… I just hate technology changes. It’s so hard to adapt and feel competent again. I’ll also say that reading and reviewing two books and writing five blog posts would be a stellar week in my world! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I hate changes too. They are especially difficult when it has to do with the computer. I like everything to stay the same 🙂

    I loved the Kominskey Method. Too bad it was the last season.

    You Will Remember Me looks good. I hope it gets you out of your slump.

    Have a great week.

    My Sunday Post is here.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I’m not familiar with Firefox, but these types of changes always annoy me too. I hope next week goes better and smoother for you!

    You doll is very cute! Love it on that shelf. And You Will Remember Me sounds good. The cover is very mysterious.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kay, I hope so, too! I have figured out some of what I need to know…and I’m holding my breath that no further changes come from either source!

      I am enjoying my growing rag doll collection…and my books. Have a great week.


    1. Thanks, Melinda, I felt the same about The Kominsky Method.

      When one show ends, there are usually new ones to grab my interest, so I’m having a good time viewing. My reading has suffered a little, though, lol.

      Enjoy your week, too.


  12. Juli @ A Universe in Words

    Sounds like you’ve had quite a week! I always find that a good thriller gets me out of a reading slump because most of it is expected, if you’re an avid thriller reader, but it still gets you back in the groove with the unexpected twists and turns! I hope you enjoy your upcoming reads and that Firefox and WordPress hold back on the new things for a bit 😉 I hope you have a lovely start to the week and do drop by my Mailbox Monday if you have the time! – Juli @ A Universe in Words

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Flora

    I can’t believe we’re in June already either! Time flies when you’re having fun! Fun? Fun? I don’t think so! Lol!
    My hubby really enjoyed watching Mare of Easttown, it wasn’t cosy enough for my present state of mind. 😉
    I hope next week is a brighter week for you, Laurel-Rain. Take care. x

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Kathy Martin

    I hope this week is better for you. I’ve hit a good patch in my reading and listening. My problem is that I want read my current review book and listen to my current audiobook at the same time which is impossible. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I get so frustrated with changes in technology! Just when I think I have mastered something, the technology changes…and the learning curve for the changes is always huge. WordPress and Blogger have had big changes, and I use both (Readerbuzz; Classics Club). I still haven’t figured all the new stuff out.

    Wow. I’m glad to see how much you enjoyed The Break Up Book Club. I will look for it.

    I hope you have a fabulous week, Laurel.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Victoria Hamel

    I like the change to your header. I liked the storyline of dealing with a loss that took place in this season of The Kominsky Method. I liked the expansion of Kathleen Turner’s role. A reunion of Romancing the Stone. —or maybe a bit more like The War of the Roses. I hope this week goes better for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Victoria, I also loved the reunion of Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner in this season of The Kominsky Method. They make an interesting pair!

      Enjoy your week…and I hope for a better one, too.


  17. I agree the blog ‘upgrades’ are frustrating. I had found an index to resize images in WordPress but now I can’t find it anymore. Meanwhile, the widgets at blogger no longer allow toggling between HTML and view. So I found a workaround for that too.
    Payton sure looks cute.
    I hope this week gives you less stress and allows you to enjoy more reading.

    Liked by 1 person

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