Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.

What did your week look like?  I was glued to the TV and social media for most of it, hoping that the delusions of #45 are quashed and do not erase our positive feelings about the outcome.  There will be no final resolution for a while, I suspect, so I am burying myself in books, but mostly binging on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.  Happily, I am loving old shows, like Private Practice, and looking forward to a new season of The Crown on Netflix.

I finally finished my second book of the week…and I am hoping the upcoming week will be more productive.

I just finished ordering more provisions from Instacart and loving the Coconut/Pineapple Haagen Daz ice cream that is now in my freezer.

Yesterday, I had a great visit with my #2 son (left), who lives in LA.  First he had lunch with my daughter and youngest grandson…and then he joined me in our very socially distanced dining room for an hour-long visit.  Afterwards, he left some goodies for me, including a couple of bottles of wine.

I would have enjoyed joining them, but my residence is still very restrictive.  Sigh.

So…onward and upward.  Let’s grab some coffee and take a closer look at my week.


Tuesday Excerpts:  “The Next Wife”

Tuesday Potpourri:  Book Releases…

Bookish Wednesday…

Another Buried Treasure…

Bookish Friday:  “The Book of Two Ways”

Review:  Finding Mrs. Ford, by Deborah Goodrich RoyceReview:  The Next Wife, by Liz Lawler



One book arrived in my physical mailbox…and I downloaded two e-books.

Blue Monday, by Nicci French (purchased for reread)



Don’t Make a Sound, by T. R. Ragan

Out of Her Mind, by T. R. Ragan



Another bookish read:  The Lost and Found Bookshop, by Susan Wiggs


That was my week.  Despite all the stress and uncertainty, I had some enjoyable reads and some great binge-watching.  Plus…a delicious dessert of Red Velvet Cake again…



  1. I guess we have all been glued to our sets on and off. Great you could at least have a socially distanced visit with #2 son. The ice cream sounds like a very good idea too. I am looking forward to The Crown dropping on Netflix too. Hope you enjoy Susan Wiggs’ book. The political situation will work out and all will be well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you are right about the political situation, Kathryn; it is hard to see all the chaos that has been created by the Narcissist in Chief.

      Yes, The Crown is a show I have been following, and I’ve been eagerly anticipating the newest season.

      The visit was great, despite its limitations. Sigh.

      Enjoy your week and your books.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh I’m glad you got to spend some time with your son. Social distancing is hard. And with the holidays coming up… ugh. I’m the same way with the news- i keep checking haha but thank goodness for distractions like books and Netflix. 🙂

    Hope you are well this week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Greg, the news videos are like an addiction; they draw us in, even the ones that are obviously loaded with misinformation, and then we have to find the news that will counteract the false information, just so we can feel calm again.

      The holidays without close contact with loved ones will be hard. But we have to stay safe. Hang in there.


  3. Izabel Brekilien

    I haven’t seen my sister since last february, so I’m always happy for people who can meet their own family, even with social distancing 🙂 Oh, a new Nicci French ! I haven’t read that series but a colleague of mine is raving about it and some of her books are staring at me right now on the shelf. Your cake pictures always make me salivate… Have a great week 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The visit with your son sounded great! And I like his choice of gifts 😀 It’s the same with my mom. I mask up and can go into her residence (a public room, not her apartment) as long as we maintain the 6 ft distance. We’re so happy to see each other in person we’ll do anything.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Mary, and yes, we’re so grateful for the contact. For so long, we had none at all. I love the gifts (like wine) that keep on giving for a bit. I will toast my son with each glass.

      Enjoy your week and your books.


  5. Lovely to see your son – this whole situation is so rough on families, though… I hope the coming week is less fraught and the election situation gets resolved sometime soon. I’m in full escape mode and refuse to follow the News, at all. Have a great reading week and maybe find a good series to binge-watch!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, given that no one has any definitive answers on either side of the Pond – I took the decision the last time I watched the News feeling utterly wretched, that I’d give it all a miss. And I am a tad surprised how much it doesn’t matter to me! And getting lost in books is the best way to go…

        Liked by 1 person

    1. That is definitely the worst side effect of the Pandemic…the fear, the anxiety, and the constant barrage of horrible information heighten the negative aspects of it all. Sigh.

      Stay safe and try to find moments of joy along the way, Linda.


  6. What a lovely pic, I’m glad you were able to spend time with your son.
    I’m binge watching Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries again after reading Death in Daylesford last week.
    I’m not a fan of red velvet but I do like caramel and chocolate topping!

    Wishing you a great reading week

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Shelleyrae, I find myself drawn to binge watching of shows, even those that I have already watched. Comfort viewing.

      Enjoy your week, and now I must check out Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries…I see the show in my queue.


  7. I am sorry to hear things look like they will take a while to be settled after the election. Losing yourself in good books and TV shows with plenty of delicious ice cream, cake and wine sounds like a grand plan. Keep it up! Also I am so pleased you were able to see your son. Take care. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kimberly, while I want to keep up with the news, I am often frustrated by some of the news videos that spout major untruths!

      It’s best to read and settle down with good movies and shows.

      Enjoy your week! I am eager to settle into The Lost and Found Bookshop.


  8. Well not a bad week at all! I’m happy you were able to visit with your son. All 45 does is golf and tweet delusions and lies. Ignore him. I really like those TR Ragan books. I have the later on on audio for review this week. Yay for ice cream and red velvet cake. Have a lovely week and be well!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Anne, I am so sick of 45, and when “46” speaks, I feel calm and as if everything will be all right…eventually. Once the transition is over and 2021 begins.

      I enjoyed other books by T. R. Ragan, so I’m eager for this new series. Enjoy your week.


  9. Susan

    Wow that cake! So great your son came to visit … nice to stay in touch during these times. And I agree we need to get #45 to cave soon … he’s trying thwart democracy which won’t happen! I am also looking forward to The Crown Season 4 … it should be terrific. We are still enjoying The Good Fight … and have a few seasons left. Enjoy your week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Susan, and I love The Good Fight…and The Crown. When 45 is hauled out of the White House, we can finally begin to feel some peace of mind.

      It was great visiting with my son…I hadn’t seen him since last Thanksgiving! (Except in video chats).

      Enjoy your week!


  10. Our Covid numbers have been rising but we seem to be having no restrictions. So, we have to restrict ourselves to be safe. I never watched The Crown but I got a notice about it from NetGalley and now I’m interested. I’m going to try it starting with season 1. Your books all look so good especially the ones by T.R. Ragan. I hope you enjoy your books and shows. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Diane

    I’m so happy you got to see family. I imagine it is a challenge since you’ve moved and with a leader who has failed to take the virus serious – what an embarrassment, amen to the 1-20-21 countdown.

    A little girl in my granddaughter’s class tested positive for COVID on Thursday so now no school the rest of the month and all the children and their families must quarantine and get tested. Everyone in our family will be doing their own thing for Thanksgiving this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, we thought we were going to get to go out at Thanksgiving, but then we got more restrictions, so going out would mean we would have to quarantine for 14 days afterwards. Not worth it.

      Loved having the visit with my son. So far, I’ve had visits with my daughter, granddaughter, and son.

      Enjoy your week, Diane.


  12. I wish those who are in charge of a certain political party would call out their #45 and send him packing. Time’s up for him, I think.

    I’ve been meaning to take a look at The Crown.

    I bet you were glad to get together with your son. I miss my son in Chicago so much.

    I hope to read The Lost and Found Bookshop soon. I look forward to your thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am loving The Lost and Found Bookshop so far…and yes, I say the Republican party needs to step up and stop enabling 45. He is like a sore loser baby…a man baby, emphasis on the “baby.” LOL

      I love watching The Crown!

      Enjoy your week, Deb.


  13. Kathy Martin

    I’m getting really tired of Trump’s delusions and divisiveness. I hope this is all settled soon but doubt it. I’ve been doing lots of reading and listening to distance myself from real life. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Literary Feline

    I spent most of the weekend watching movies with my daughter, although we did get some work done going through her books, pulling out ones she no longer is interested in and re-discovering old favorites. I need to do that with my books too but have been dragging my feet.

    I am glad you were able to visit with your son, even if socially distanced. My mom and I have been talking about how we want to do Christmas. We haven’t seen her since the beginning of last January and she hasn’t missed a Christmas with us since my daughter was born, with the exception of one when we visited my in-laws. She’s always stayed with us when she visits and has her own room. I am not sure about my in-laws and what their thinking or planning or how I feel about them coming if they did want to. They’ve been less careful–traveling and visiting with friends as usual. We haven’t seen them in almost a year either. Thanksgiving will be quiet for us, just the three of us. That’s nothing new though. We usually don’t make a big deal of the day anyway.

    My grandmother has been able to have more visitors if FB is anything to go by. One of my cousins and her husband visited recently and posted lots of photos. And another cousin and her family visited a few weeks ago. My grandmother lives in a convalescent home in Pennsylvania. It looked like everyone was wearing masks, but not necessarily properly–and no social distancing. It’s interesting to see how different areas are handling the virus. Of course, my grandmother is in a small town that might not be seeing a big spike. But who knows about all her out of state visitors.

    I hope you have a great week, Laurel-Rain.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is definitely a troubling time, Wendy, and making decisions for the future is so hard to do right now. We all want some kind of normalcy, but that is impossible.

      I am trying to adjust to what is happening while finding ways to stay safe, and searching for the silver lining in it all. Like realizing that first we have to stay safe and find new ways to connect in order to move on from it all.

      I am loving my reading and the visits we are allowed to have.

      I haven’t seen two of my sons for a year and a half…and even though my daughter lives in this same city, I have only seen her in these restrictive settings a couple of times since February.

      I am grateful for social media and Face Time. Better than nothing, right?

      Stay safe and enjoy your week.


  15. The not visiting is going to seem even harder now that the holidays are almost here. I’m glad you were able to have at least a short visit with your son from LA! Our daughter who was living in California just moved back this weekend, and I’m happy to have her closer, even though we still can’t visit normally yet! (Not at all right now, as she is quarantining till she can get tested.)
    Blue Monday has been on my radar for years! I want to listen to it on audio, though, and other audiobooks keep crowding to the front of the line. I have enjoyed a few Susan Wiggs books in the past, too, and want to cozy up with The Lost and Found Bookshop this winter.
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I’m glad you were able to visit with your son, even if it was socially distanced! I think we’re all getting so fatigued with restrictions, and the approaching holidays are making it even harder on us. Hopefully next year will be better.

    That red velvet cake looks delicious! I love cream cheese frosting.

    Enjoy your week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jen, I am so looking forward to next year and the possibilities!

      I enjoyed the visit, and I’m excited that I get to go to my doctor’s office on Thursday for lab work…LOL.

      I loved the red velvet cake!


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