Good morning!  Let’s gather around with our caffeinated beverages to chat about our weeks, our books, and our perspectives.  Join our host at Bookishly Boisterous to see what others are sharing.

Another great week!  I’ve been reading and blogging…and even mailed off my ballot for the Primary Election.  Friday is my other granddaughter’s birthday, and we’re planning a dinner out on Saturday.  A friend’s birthday is Saturday, and we will have lunch on Monday.    Twenty three years ago, Fiona was born on a Friday, on the same day as a lunch for my friend whose birthday we’ll celebrate on Monday.  I was at the hospital nearby for Fiona’s scheduled C-section birth, waiting to meet her.  That was quite a day!  The photo below was taken a few days later.

  • Two books read and reviewed this week so far.  You Are Not Alone, by Greer Hendricks/Sarah Pekkanen; and Perfect Little Children, by Sophie Hannah.  Next I’ll be starting in on The Wives, which I have in print format.
  • Last night we had another party in the dining room…and I forgot to take photos!  It was Italian Night with food and wine to match.  I had Spaghetti and Meatballs, which I was worried about, followed by Tiramisu.  And yes, I did get a little sick later.  Sigh.  Usually I don’t have any after effects if I have only bits of one offending item.  Will I never learn?  Well, I wanted to feel normal.  I think it was worth it, since the food was delicious.  So was the wine.  Here are images from the DiCicco’s page:

  • I’m still savoring the delicious flavors…lol
  • This morning, I stayed in my apartment…not ready to try food again.  I spent the time sipping tea and reading my book.
  • Today I’m expecting some Amazon packages…another replacement book:  White Oleander, by Janet Fitch; and a couple of kitchen items.


This has been my week so far.  What does yours look like?



    1. Thanks, Kathryn, I had been feeling so well lately that I went out on a limb! But if I’ve learned anything so far, it’s that eating something that might be a problem needs to be consumed in very small doses. Sigh.

      I stayed in my apartment yesterday, sipping tea and eating bland food. Now I will return to the dining room and make better choices.

      Enjoy your weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kathy, and most of the time I can have them bring something that works for me, even if it’s not on the menu. But that night was a catered event…so there were no choices. Sigh.

      I could have decided not to eat, but I took a risk. Not a good idea. LOL.

      Enjoy your weekend.


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