
Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

**Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.


Last week I planned to write a weekly update post, but it didn’t happen. I had some overwhelming feelings of malaise, so I decided to take a nap. On Monday morning, I found myself on the floor, disoriented and unable to get up off the floor.

Long story short:  24 hours later, after a friend checked on me, EMTs took me to the hospital, and I was admitted.  They did a series of tests, poked and prodded, and eventually I was moved from the ER to a room, where I had a diagnosis. A seriously infected gall bladder that would be too risky to remove right now.  They put me on a course of antibiotics, did more tests, and when I started to stabilize, they discharged me until they could schedule surgery. I have several upcoming appointments and a slew of bitter pills to swallow…including the one about needing to find a new place.  Meanwhile, I’m staying with my daughter temporarily.  She is an excellent cook and well-organized with the meds.  She has set up reminders on my phone.

I hadn’t finished a book at all last week, but when I came home, I posted on Amazon my NetGalley review of Sunset Beach.  Today I read and reviewed Dreams of Falling.

My diet is restricted, of course, but I was allowed  a smidgen of coffee this morning.  Sigh.


Someone Knows, by Lisa ScottolineDreams of Falling, by Karen White


What a convoluted journey!  Tomorrow  we’re heading to my condo with lists, to decide what I can take to the new place and what has to be sold. The weird thing:  I have no feeling about that process, except I wanted to be the one to decide.  My daughter would have taken over…but then I found my voice.  No.  I want to decide these things.

I’m learning to ambulate with a walker, but that wasn’t bad…until my knee developed an infection, swelling up to twice its size, making it almost impossible to learn the process.  But after icing the knee, taking some pain medication, and patience…I was “on the road again.”

Now I’m trying to resume some of my routines.

NEXT WEEK?  I plan to clear out the fridge at the old place and collect the mail.  And find the light at the end of the tunnel.


Have a great week!!




  1. Oh Laurel Rain my heart goes out to you. A big ouch for sure in so many ways. Just as well you had a friend who checked up on you. So happy to hear you found your voice. That is so important – its your life and you can make the choices that are best for you. Sending a big hug.

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  2. Oh I’m so sorry to hear that! I noticed you missing from the Sunday Post and wondered if all was okay… such a huge life change. All my best wishes for as smooth and painless a transition as possible, with whatever you end up doing. You must be going through so many emotions right now. I’m glad you’re okay, though- that’s maybe the most important thing?

    Take care this week, my friend.

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  3. fictionalblonde

    I am so so sorry to hear about your health issue. I am sending good vibes and thoughts your way. I hope that your Mother’s Day is great!


  4. Laurel, I missed you! Seriously, I went looking for your posts! I’m so sorry for the reason for your absence but how wonderful that your friend checked on you. Did you find a new place already? I’m glad you can be the one to choose what you take. Sending you thoughts of strength and healing as you continue to move forward.

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    1. Thanks, Mary, the place we looked at a few weeks ago had an availability, so we’ll be checking it out again. I didn’t think I was ready, but there are different levels. And I was stunned by how everything can change in a day!

      I’m looking forward to no cooking and cleaning, although we can cook in our kitchens.


  5. I’m so sorry to hear this! I’ve been awol myself lately so currently playing catch up.

    My friend at work had gallbladder issues last year so I understand how restrictive the diet is while waiting on surgery to remove it. I wish you lots of luck, hopefully, the surgery won’t be too far out and you can finish healing properly.

    Sorry to hear you are moving too! You mentioned last year when I was moving how much you didn’t want to have to do that and now here you are… Fingers crossed that goes smoothly too and isn’t more painful than it has to be.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Nicci, it’s funny how quickly we can change our minds after a traumatic incident. I was seriously frightened, with no hope of rescue.

      Apparently my phones had no juice, but my friend got through on an emergency line. Is that a thing?

      I am now eager for that “clean” slate.

      Enjoy your week.


  6. I’m going to have to scroll back through your blog! Somehow I missed the story about having to move and whatever is wrong with your knee/leg and why you have to use a walker!!!!

    And now this with the gallbladder??? Man…I really hate it when life throws SO MUCH crap at one person like this. Especially a wonderful person like you.

    I’m glad you found your voice and will decide for yourself what to keep. As I’ve been here taking care of MY mother for the past couple years, I noticed how she tends to just sit silently, allowing me to make all the decisions about her life so I encourage her to speak her preference about things but usually all I get is “I don’t care” or “It doesn’t matter.” Sigh…

    Wishing you ALL the best with your health and your upcoming move!

    And a Happy Mother’s Day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jinjer, the walker came after the weakness from the whole day on the floor and massive infections accompanied by dehydration.

      The knee inflammation was a nice bonus, lol.

      Enjoy your week, and I hope your mother finds her voice.

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      1. Oh wow!! All that from a gall bladder that most of us never even remember that we have lurking around inside us!!! So, so glad your friend checked on you!!!


    1. Thanks, Anne, even when we don’t get along, it’s good to have family members that have your back. She just cleared off her desk for me for blogging, and elevated the bed so I can get up and about. Little things make the difference!

      We will be going to the old apartment tomorrow to collect things that I will need right away, and I’ll do a walk-through list of what to bring over later. This will be my first move in which I won’t be doing the heavy lifting. Hmm.

      Have a great week. I’ll check out your dessert photo!


    1. Thanks, Yvonne, my daughter set me up at a desk in the guest bedroom where I’m staying; brings delicious meals (and bitter meds) on schedule, just to make me happy! She doesn’t “get” blogging or soaps. I guess that’s selfless behavior. Something to ponder.

      Enjoy your week. I think I’ll start reading The Mother-in-Law.

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  7. StackingMy BookShelves

    I am sooo sorry to hear about all the medical issues. Wishing you the best and to feel better. I don’t blame you with wanting to make the decisions. Happy Mother’s Day and feel better.


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  8. I’m sorry you had such a difficult week… thank God your friend checked on you! Sounds like some changes are ahead and that’s never easy. I’ll be thinking of you this week and hope you are feeling better soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, JoAnn, I never want to be in that situation again! As much as I resisted the senior living with safety features, it has all struck home to me in a startling way.

      I like the look of your books. Enjoy!


  9. It has been a difficult time for you, full of fear and change and worry. Despite all the darkness, the good came through for you, and you are now in a safe place. It will take time, but you will get used to the new place, and it will come to be home for you. You will heal and you will re-make your life, as you have done over and over in the past, and it will be good. You are surrounded by many of us out here who love you and are sending good wishes and thoughts and prayers your way.

    Take care, my friend.

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  10. Cheryl Malandrinos

    Oh, my goodness. I’m so sorry to hear this. I’ll be keeping you up in prayer. Moving isn’t easy when we want to do it; never mind when we are forced to. I hope I respected my in-laws’ wishes as much as possible when cleaning out their house for them. We have a lot of stuff at our place now, but that’s the way it is.

    Healing prayers for you, my friend.

    Both of your new arrivals look great. I would love The Yankee Widow too. Hope you have a wonderful week.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Cheryl, I am slowly realizing that some good can come of these events. While I would have preferred a slower transition, today I did decide on a lovely and very cute studio apartment with a great garden view. It is in a senior complex, and all cooking and cleaning are provided. I’m feeling a little pampered at the thought. LOL.


  11. Beth F

    Oh no! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. But thank goodness you have your daughter and friends and a diagnosis. Good luck with the move and I hope you adjust well and quickly.

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  12. Laurel, I am so sorry for what you’ve been going through this past week! Good thing you had a friend look up on you and family to take care of you. I hope things improve quickly, I’ll keep you in my thoughts ❤

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  13. Oh my, such changes for you. Although the body is not cooperating take care and stay strong in soul and in voicing your needs. Hope you are able to get some enjoyable reading in this week.

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  14. Kathy Martin

    I’m sorry to hear that you are having health issues. I had my gall bladder removed some years ago when the doctors couldn’t decide if it was acting up or my Crohn’s Disease was the culprit. I hope you get settled in your new place soon so that you can get back to a more normal life. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kathy, isn’t it weird how various parts of our body seem unnoticeable until they create problems? I had seldom given my gall bladder a second thought.

      Looking forward to feeling better. Enjoy your week.


  15. So sorry to hear these issues, Laurel-Rain. I can remember having to diet before gall-bladder surgery. I hope you get stable quickly so you can get the surgery.
    I hope you can continue to make the decisions needed for your move. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.

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  16. Oh my goodness, how scary! Wishing you speedy recovery. And, yes, persistence. One of the best books about writing I ever read was by Richard Laymon. His rallying cry for writers was “Persist and prevail!” but I think it’s a pretty good touchstone for just about anyone.

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  17. Oh no I’m so sorry Laurel!! I had noticed you missing from the interwebs and wondered if all was ok. It sounds like you have a great support system to help you out and I hope you continue to mend and heal up quickly. And it sounds like more changes are coming down the pipe as well. Hang in there, all will be well soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Erin, the early days were grim and painful, but gradually I’m getting stronger. I’m finding new ways to do old things. My daughter set up a computer desk in the guest room.

      I found a new very tiny garden apartment to move into at the end of the month.

      I’m reading and loving The Mother-in-Law.

      Enjoy your week.


    1. Thanks, Cleo, I was not prepared for these events, but as I am taking them a day at a time, I realize that good things can eventually come from them. Every day is now like a gift, with physical therapists and nurses helping and a new little apartment with a garden view (by June 1). So…a new place to read.

      Enjoy your week.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. The Cue Card

    Oh no Laurel, so sorry to hear. Must have been very scary. I’m glad you are all right … and that you are getting stronger now. Will the new apartment be easier for you? I wish you the best and I’m glad your daughter is taking good care of you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Susan, I had resisted moving to a senior complex, but the one we found is lovely with many amenities (cooking and cleaning provided!). Until June, I’m staying at my daughter’s house.

      I am loving The Mother-in-Law. It is so different than I had expected.

      Enjoy your week.


  19. Veronica The Burgeoning Bookshelf

    When troubles find us they don’t sprinkle but pour down. I hope you can find some solace in a good book and you settle well in your new place.

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  20. What an ordeal for you. So happy you had a friend check on you,

    I am so sorry to hear all of this, but things will turn around.

    Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.

    Thank you for the update, and what a wonderful daughter you have.

    Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

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