Welcome to another Monday from the Interior, in which we share about the books we received in the mail (or bought), and talk about our bookish week, past and future.

For May, Mailbox Monday is hosted by Martha’s Bookshelf.

Sheila, at Book Journey, brings us What Are You Reading?


I only received two books this week:  one I purchased from Amazon, and one I downloaded for Sparky, my Kindle.

1.  Ragdoll Redeemed:  Growing up in the Shadow of Marilyn Monroe, by Dawn Novotny

In 1963, I was just 17. I thought God had finally come through for me. Out of nowhere appeared my dashing Prince Charming. Married within three months, I was sure this was the redemption from my ragdoll beginnings. Though I had lived in the shadow of illegitimacy, bludgeoning poverty, physical and sexual abuse, I was sure I would prove worthy to my bridegroom. After all, I had remained a virgin. How was I to know that he expected me to be an aggressive sex-pot, or “whore” as he put it, modeled after the persona of his famous step-mother, Marilyn Monroe? Thus began my ill-fated effort to compete with the sexual image of Marilyn. Divorced after two years, I found myself-as I saw it-“used goods.” Ironically, I reacted by becoming just what Joey had wanted- an alcoholic and a sex-object-not only in men’s eyes but in my own.

About the Author Dawn Novotny is a licensed clinician, teacher, author, and workshop leader, with a private practice in Sequim, Washington for the last twenty-seven years. She holds Master’s degrees in clinical social work, and theology, and is a nationally certified psychotherapistdramatist, has been an adjunct professor at Seattle University and an instructor at Peninsula Community College. Dawn brings her training and insights from her work in psychodrama to the page as an author of many articles about making ones implicit feelings explicit through the art forms of collage and the concreteness of exploring your life though self-representation or psychodrama. She feels passionate about the importance of personal stories as healing and transformation. Dawn has been in a writing group with Linda Joy Myers for over three years where she has written numerous stories, and her memoir.

2.  How I Made Over $42,000 in One Month Selling My Kindle E-books, by Cheryl Kaye Tardif

In March 2012 one Canadian author boldly went where few have gone before—into the land of making real money with Amazon’s KDP Select program.

This is her story…

My name is Cheryl Kaye Tardif and I am an international bestselling suspense author who earned over $42,000 dollars in March 2012 selling ebooks via Amazon’s KDP Select program, captured the interest of a major literary agency, and went on to sign with a foreign rights agent. And I’m about to tell you HOW I did all that.

I don’t normally tell people how much money I make, but I believe writers need to know it IS possible to earn a real income from your books. Seriously, if I can do it, anyone can—if you have the right combination of criteria and techniques.

In this book, I’ll share with you what I believe are four key elements you must have in place to see high sales. And I’ll reveal the strategic techniques I used during my KDP Select promotions that resulted in earning over $42,000—with $32,000 of that from ONE title alone.

Not only did I earn over $42,000 in ebook sales, I was contacted by one of the leading literary agencies in New York. The chairman noticed my success when my one title made #4 in the Top 100 Bestselling Kindle ebooks, right under The Hunger Games trilogy. Since then, I’ve signed with another agent for foreign rights.

So, if you’re ready to earn some real money with Select, let’s begin…


So that’s my mailbox!



Welcome to another week of sharing our thoughts about the books we’ve read, the ones we plan to read, and our blogging/life adventures.  Let’s take the opportunity to visit other blogs and add new books to our stacks.

But first…Mother’s Day was a wonderful treat, starting yesterday with time spent with my youngest son.  Today it was brunch with my daughter and her son.  I hope every mother out there had a fabulous day.

All week, I guess I’ve been dreaming about this weekend…since my books didn’t consume me like they usually do.

So let’s talk a bit about the blogging/reading week.  Not nearly as prolific as in previous weeks (either in reading or blogging), I did participate in the usual memes; then I wrote an excerpt about mothers and daughters at Snow Chronicles:  Special Moments-An Excerpt.

My Thursday Potpourri:  Tidbits, was a little about this and that.

I only finished TWO books this week!

1.   The World Without You, by Joshua Henkin – a four-star read for me!

2.   The Tender Bar (A Memoir), by J. R. Moehringer (Five stars!)

Still reading:  The Good Father, by Diane Chamberlain


What’s Up Next?

Reel Life, by Jackie Townsend, is a book left over from last week!

I’m adding only two more books to the list this week, since I’ll be savoring one of them for awhile.

1.  11/22/63, by Stephen King (Click titles/covers for more information)

2.  Heartbroken, by Lisa Unger (review book from Amazon Vine)


Even though the list looks small, remember that I’m carrying over two titles from last week, and I have added the chunkster to the mix.  No pressure!  I’ll just read as if I have all the time in the world!  lol

What does your week look like?  I hope you’ll stop by and share….



    1. I’m looking forward to it, Kathy…even though it’s a chunkster! lol

      But chunksters never used to intimidate me…and I understand that it’s very fast-paced.

      Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week.


  1. Glad you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. I only finished 1 book last week, life just got in the way LOL. I enjoy Lisa Unger’s novels … hope Heartbroken is a winner!
    Have a great week and happy reading 🙂


    1. Oh, I know what that’s like, Teddyree…and it’s good to get our noses out of our books once in awhile…lol

      Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your week! I’m looking forward to Heartbroken….


  2. Enjoy the new books. I’m going to try and read one book this week. I am expecting a visit from one of my grandsons this week, so will be spending as much time with him as possible. But, I’m sure I can read a book or two in the meantime.


    1. Yes, I’m always amazed that I can read a bit when the kids are around…usually when they’re playing video games or watching movies.

      Thanks for visiting, Gigi Ann, and enjoy your week!


  3. cherylmash

    I hope you enjoy Ragdoll Redeemed as much as I did. And I can’t wait to see what you think of The Good Father. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week!!


  4. I’m really intrigued by Ragdoll Redeemed…I’ll be looking forward to reading your thoughts on it. I’m also looking forward to reading your review of The Good Father – I really enjoyed the book.

    Hope you have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Kristin @ Always With a Book


    1. Thanks, Kristin T….I’m loving The Good Father….and even though I expected to enjoy it, I’m blown away…so far. Glad you could stop by.

      Ragdoll Redeemed captivated me when I saw it on C. Mash’s blog.


  5. I love the sound of Tender Bar – beautiful writing. I’m interested to read the Make $42000 in a month book too- sounds inspiring! Enjoy 11/22/63 – it is a great read! 🙂


    1. I was thinking the same thing, Nise….and I don’t care if it takes awhile, as I’ll be reading it in bits and pieces. But maybe not. Maybe I won’t be able to put it down!

      Glad you could stop by, and enjoy your week.


  6. loricaswell

    Looks like you have a great week planned. I have been debated getting that same chunkster but it may have to wait a few weeks. I am glad you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. Mine was kinda quiet and today hubby and I are celebrating our 29th wedding anniversary. I just love the month of May!


  7. We all have slow weeks here and there because sometimes there really are other things to do than read. Not too often but Mother’s Day would definitely qualify!

    I see you are finally going to read the Stephen King book. It was excellent, I hope you enjoy it.


    1. Oh, I have heard so many good things about it, Leslie, that I don’t think I could go wrong…thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your week.

      And yes, once in awhile, there are other things than reading…lol


    1. Me, too, Anna…I have another King book on my stacks (one of his horror tales), and I’m not ready for that yet. But this one seems like a new kind of tale for him. Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your week.


  8. shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    I’m glad you had such a lovely Mother’s Day weekend. I’m going to check out your five star review!

    Have a great reading week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out


  9. Jen G. (The Introverted Reader)

    I’m usually only in the mood for chunksters when it’s cold and gray outside. I don’t have the concentration for them when it’s nice outside. Enjoy your week!


  10. Your two new books look really interesting. The one looks downright heartbreaking. The second looks CRAZY-interesting!! You’ll have to share if you learn any super-useful tidbits!! Sounds like she found some winning ideas!

    You have a realistic reading list. Wouldn’t it be great to read ahead of yer planning?! I think it would be. Congrats on winning the pick for last week. Totally great!!


    1. I always do think of reading ahead of my planning as a possibility…who knows? It might happen. Thanks for stopping by, Laura, and I am eager to read that book about bringing in the bucks.


    1. I’m enjoying Heartbroken, although I just started it. As for 11/22/63, I’ve been really wanting to get started with it, but the heft intimidates me…not the reading part, but the lifting! lol

      Thanks for visiting, Diane, and enjoy your week.


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