Here we are again, rambling on about our thoughts, our feelings, and our perspectives.  Join our host at Bookishly Boisterous,  to see what others are chatting about.  Let’s grab some coffee and share.

My week, post-birthday, has been calm and quiet.  Mostly because I am fighting a cold and staying in my apartment.  I am really loving the time to myself, and I’ve decided that living among lots of people and spending two meals a day with them in the dining room might have messed with my immune system.  I used to get sick more when I worked with clients, mostly children, and then I retired and was alone in my apartment most of the time and didn’t get sick at all.  Hmm.

  • At any rate, I spent the week receiving books and other Amazon packages, and binge-watching movies.
  • I finished Season II of The Kominsky Method, which I loved; and Season 5 of The Affair.
  • I’ve read and reviewed two books so far:  Just After Midnight, by Catherine Ryan Hyde; and Ladies Who Punch, by Ramin Setoodeh. (Click titles for my reviews).
  • I just started reading If You Only Knew, by Kristan Higgins (Purchased in December 2017!).
  • As I acquire more hardcover books, I rearrange my bookshelf, which now has 25 books on it, arranged for expansion between two of the shelves.  These are books I’ve purchased and finished reading.

  • I’ve added some new clothes to my little cubby, and I’m finally feeling as if I have a few outfits from which to choose.  On the right side are the pants, and the ones you can see in the photo are the tops and tunics.  I like the mix of colors and patterns.

  • Since I’m only a week away from my surgery (finally!), I am trying to distract myself with new clothes and books…and hoping that all will go well and I’ll be able to enjoy everything afterwards.  Yes, gloomy thoughts.
  • Despite my vow to stay away from other residents until I’m completely well, I am running out of food in my apartment and may have to go to the dining room tomorrow.  Sigh.
  • I spent many years being a hermit, and now I’m realizing that I actually like it.  LOL.  But…I shouldn’t go back to my old ways.  I will plan on spending more alone time, though.
  • I pre-ordered this biography of Carrie Fisher, which will be released on November 12.


That was my week…what did yours look like?



  1. Susan Calderon

    I read three very good books this week. Two books were really light reading and one mystery. First up was “The night Fire” by Michael Connelly, I really enjoy Bosh and Renee next up, was a rom-com “My Favorite Half-Night Stand” by Christina Lauren which, I found sort of meh do to much of the characters communication being through text and email which I found off putting a book. Finally, I just finished last night “Things You Save In A Fire: by Catherine Center I read it in a day that’s how much I really liked it!
    I hope all goes well with your surgery next week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I want to read Just After Midnight. Ladies Who Punch is waiting for me to pick up at the library. I haven’t seen either of those shows.

    I love spending time with family and friends, but sometimes it’s nice to spend some alone time too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Vicki, I hope you enjoy both of those books.

      I went to the dining room for breakfast, and that was enough for today. Now I’m at my computer, eating something light. I still don’t feel quite right.

      Have a great weekend.


  3. My week–pre-birthday, is quiet and rushed at the same time. Papers to grade, books to read for a possible award, cooking to do…and here I sit playing at email. At least I am in good health; I hope you feel better soon. Here on theTexas Gulf Coast it is cool–got down to the forties today…BRRRR. I am going to watch the weather forecast at supper to see if I should wrap my plants (at least the succulents).
    I plan to read, read, read this weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

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