Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon and The Sunday Post for weekly updates.

Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.

What a great week I have had!  I’ve settled in, pretty much, and my biggest event was buying a new washer and dryer.  It has been running almost nonstop since the move because I had a lot of laundry!

I’ve also been ordering things from Amazon to set up the new kitchen, since I can actually cook in it!  My daughter brought a nice pot to get me started, lol, and a bottle of wine.

Now that I look around at my space, I see that I could use more furniture, so a nice comfy sofa will be next.  But since I have had expenses from both places this month, I’ll move carefully.  Can you believe the new apartment came up so quickly that I didn’t have enough time for a 30-day notice, so I have to pay for half of August at the old place!  It doesn’t seem right, though, since I paid for all of July, but moved out before the end of the month. Oh, well.

I only read and reviewed two books this week, but they were good ones.  My blog posts:  I wrote six.

I am enjoying my little cubby for the computer, and it approximates my previous nook in some ways.

Now I plan to start reading more, and I’m especially looking forward to that new sofa where I can truly curl up and read!

Now let’s take a closer look at my week.


Tuesday Excerpts:  “Such a Quiet Place”

Tuesday Potpourri:  My New Life So Far…

WWW Reading…

Plumbing the Depths of the TBR…

Coffee Chat:  Settling In…

Bookish Friday:  “Not a Happy Family”

Review:  Count the Ways, by Joyce Maynard

cropped again 5

Review:  Such a Quiet Place, by Megan Miranda

ratings worms 4-cropped



The Golden Couple, by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen (NetGalley – 3/8/22)

Not a Happy Family, by Shari Lapena

The Good Son, by Christopher Andersen



The House Guests, by Emilie Richards


That was my week. What did yours look like? Here is a glimpse of my new place:


53 thoughts on “WEEKLY UPDATES: MOVING ON…

  1. I keep reminding myself that life and the world is not fair! And having to pay for half August isn’t fair. And I suspect that filled up your old place pretty much straight away. Hope you enjoy The House Guests.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kathryn, I tried to tell the bookkeeper that having paid for all of July should mean I don’t owe anything for August…but her response reminded me of another reason I hated that place. Everything was always about their bottom line, even with the bad food that was another way they cut corners.

      Oh, well, I can wipe them off my feet now! LOL

      BTW, I haven’t been sick all week from food I am eating! My choices, my cooking. LOL.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. BTW, everyone I talk to says they are gouging me with the debt for half of August, and recommend that I don’t pay it…at least not all at once. Dribbles and drabbles. I’m leaning toward that solution! LOL


  2. Trin Carl

    Ohh, congrats on the new kitchen. I’m a lazy cook but I do know that cooking yourself takes loads of your wasteband and is incredibly important. Good luck going forth.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jinjer, and I am so happy to have a washer and dryer again! So wonderful to just walk into the bathroom to my washer and dryer. (In my previous apartment, before I moved into the “prison,”) it was behind louvered doors in my kitchen.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader

    I am so happy that you enjoy the new place Laurel! I still recall when you had to move out of your old place and were crushed to live with others. Now it’s freedom again!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so happy for you! Your new place looks great. Wonderful about having a DVR and watching GH. It sounds like the perfect place for you.

    Your books look great. The Good Son has my interest. I’ll have to check it out.

    Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Yvonne, I am so happy to be free at last! And to have a DVR again.

      Today my daughter brought back my little drop leaf table from my old apartment, back in 2019.

      Tomorrow she might take me shopping for a sofa and comfy chair!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the photos from your new place, Laurel, and I’m so happy to see that you are so happy there. It will be nice to be able to cook. It annoys me when apartment places and tv services and others tack on little fees and surcharges. We changed insurance and had to pay an extra month for the old insurance in addition to the new insurance! Were they going to pay us twice if we got sick?! I think not.

    A lot of new books flew in, and they all look good. I’ll be interested in seeing what you think.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Deb, and my daughter, her husband, and my grandson have talked me into not paying that wrongful charge for August, since I paid for all of July. If they insist, I could pay them in dribbles and drabbles.

      I might be able to buy my sofa after all, lol.


  6. You sound so happy with your new home and, judging from the photos, it’s all come together beautifully! I know it’s a bummer to have to pay rent on both places at the same time, but it sure sounds like “freedom” was worth it! I’m sure you’ll find the perfect comfy sofa when the time comes, too. Happy August!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh! I love your computer area! So nice and cozy! Your home looks so comfortable and warm….like you’re ready for company and a conversation about books! 🙂 I added several of the books you mentioned to my TBR list. Always a pleasure to visit your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Cheryl, I agree that their charges are unfair. They were already excessive to start with, one reason I wanted to leave! In addition to the fact that someone who is supposed to be an “independent” resident is treated like a prisoner.

      I am eager to relax now and enjoy my decorating and my books. Enjoy your week.


  8. Juli @ A Universe in Words

    Aah I’m so glad that you’re settling in well at your new place, especially with having the space to cook now and to decorate it to how you want it! Love the Chez Raine sign in the kitchen! I’m definitely checking out your review of Such a Quiet Place and I’m very intrigued by The House Guests! I hope you have a lovely week 🙂
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Juli, there is a history with the Chez Raine sign. I had it designed by the owners of Granny’s Cobweb Closet, where I bought a lot of things when I lived in the foothills. The sign was on my front door for years…and then it went to my next place to hang on my dining room wall. It was on the bathroom wall in the “prison” where I just moved from (lol), but I really like it in the kitchen.

      BTW, I now dropped the final “e” of Raine (Rain), but I still love the sign.

      Enjoy your week!


  9. Flora

    Hi Laurel. I’ve missed all the action! You’ve moved! Will go back and read your older posts. I’m loving the wooden floors of your new place, thanks for sharing the photos it looks lovely already. I’m not surprised that you haven’t read much – you’ve been busy!
    I hope you have a wonderful week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am loving my new place, Flora, and the only thing that would make it better: getting that sofa promptly! I have been sitting on wicker all week, and it’s not that comfy. My computer chair is more comfortable, lol.

      Enjoy your week!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Kathy Martin

    I’m glad you are getting settled in at your new place. Too bad about the double expenses though. Your books are all new to me. I’m rereading so much that new things are slipping past me. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kathy, my new apartment came up so quickly, just when I thought I would have to wait a long time, that I couldn’t let it pass me by. So despite the rush and moving chaos, I am glad I grabbed it.

      Loving the new place and settling in. Enjoy your books and your birthday week!


    1. Thanks, Shelleyrae, it has been so long since I had a comfy sofa! I had one at the last apartment, before my imprisonment, (lol), but couldn’t take it with me to the studio.

      Now I am eager to shop and find something to curl up in!

      Enjoy your week.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Susan

    I’m pleased you are up and running at your new place! Seems wonderful! It’s fine to get furniture as the months go along. Plenty of laundry here too … wonderful you have new machines!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’ve been so out of touch over the past month that I had to look back over your posts to catch up. Congratulations on your new apartment! It sounds like it will fit your lifestyle much better than the old place. It looks like you’re already making the space your own!

    Enjoy your week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth, I am very grateful for how the new apartment came at just the right time and that my granddaughter and her partner were able to be such a great help.

      Now I’m loving the settling in part….and my books. Enjoy your week.


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