Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon and The Sunday Post for weekly updates.

Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.

This week took me away from the apartment several times for outings, meetings, and a doctor’s appointment.  By Friday, I felt like I hadn’t even been around.  But I did manage to read and review three wonderful books.  I only wrote four blog posts, however.

I enjoyed viewing some old movies…and finished watching a show on Hulu called Cruel Summer.  I also started the final season of Younger.

My granddaughter Fiona is back in town, having decided to leave Wyoming for now.  She had some health issues and needed to see her regular doctor and use her insurance…but she isn’t really ill.  I think she just missed us.  LOL.  We plan to get together next week.

I hope to find more shows to binge this week, but I also plan to do more reading and blogging.




Tuesday Excerpts:  “Pack Up the Moon”

WWW Reading…

An Unremembered Book…

Bookish Friday: “Six Weeks to Live”

Review: The Newcomer, by Mary Kay Andrews

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Review: The Photographer, by Mary Dixie Carter

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Six Weeks to Live, by Catherine McKenzie

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The Downstairs Neighbor, by Helen Cooper


The Stepsisters, by Susan Mallery



Today I have pulled a book from my backlog, and hope to love it:

My Lies, Your Lies, by Susan Lewis


What a week! Instead of hibernating in my apartment, I had something going on outside the residence every day…until Friday. I don’t know how I still managed to read three books, but my blogging did suffer. One night I made a microwaved dinner in my apartment and enjoyed a mimosa (below).

What did your week look like?



  1. Susan

    That’s great — it sounds like you are out & about again! Glad to hear Fiona is all right. I hope she likes some of the beauty of Wyoming. We got caught up in a British cop show called Line of Duty on Prime for awhile …. but maybe we will look for something else soon. We watched the movie Minari last night and it was all right – sort of ended a bit abruptly. Enjoy your week.

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  2. Literary Feline

    I am really tempted to give Cruel Summer a try. It must be nice to have Fiona back. I am glad she is doing okay. I imagine it’s nice to be out and about again. 🙂 I hope you have a great week and enjoy your reading!

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  3. My week went well and included cooking for a sick friend (heart attack), seeing the doctor, errands and getting out quite a bit. I did get all my essay#2s graded–after much hair-pulling and sweat.
    I hope this coming week brings you only good things!

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  4. I’m so glad to hear more and more people are now able to get out and be as normal as possible. I forgot to mention Cruel Summer in my post but I finished watching it this week. It was really good. Now, I’m finally binging Virgin River and Panic.

    Hope you have a great week!

    My Sunday Post is here.

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  5. It’s nice to get out. We’re venturing out more too with restrictions around here being mostly lifted. And hope Fiona is well. I imagine you enjoy having her around- it’s hard when family moves away!

    Your books look good!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Delighted to hear your blogging has been suffering due to the fact that you have been out and about. Sounds like a breath of fresh air for you long awaited. Nice to see the Susan Lewis book coming off your TBR shelf.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You have been a busy bee, Laurel-Rain! Good you still managed to enjoy several good book and classic films, even if your blogging suffered a little.😊 My week has mainly been work, work and my job interview, and quite a bit of anxiety because of it all! But I did take comfort in reading The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis and watching classic Star Trek films. 😁

    Take care, take it easy and happy reading in the coming week – hopefully it’ll be quieter so you can catch up on your blogging. 🤞🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Mareli Thalwitzer

    Glad to hear you are out and about! Hey, missing your family and especially your grandma is a real sickness and you definitely need a doctor’s note for that.

    Some great books as always on your shelf! Hope you enjoy them all.

    Have a good week and enjoy your visit with Fiona!

    Elza Reads

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  9. Sounds like a very busy week of being out and about… and what a great feeling that is! I’m impressed that you still managed to get in so much reading and blogging. I’m sorry Wyoming didn’t work out as Fiona had planned, but it sounds like she is happier being back around family. Hope the week ahead is another good one!

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  10. How lovely that you were able to be busy every day except Friday – I know you spent so much time self isolating last year, so I hope you are enjoying your new social life, Laurel:)). And I hope your get-together with your granddaughter is wonderful.

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  11. Isn’t it strange that we were all trapped inside (literally or figuratively) for so long and now we are all out running around? I’m slowly easing my way back into the world. I’ll be glad when things are “normal” again, but I’m going to try to not fall into the busyness trap again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Melinda, I agree that we need to slowly return to “normal,” although I suspect it will definitely be a new kind of normal. I will be cautious while enjoying the time out there.

      Have a great week.


  12. I know how happy you must be to ‘escape’ your residence at will again 🙂
    I’m still not sure how I feel about the final of Younger. This past week I binged a British show called Professor T, currently I’m binging on Grimm again.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Shelleyrae, now I will have to find something new to binge! Or perhaps something old to watch again.

      Escaping the “residence” is my favorite thing. While I do like my apartment, I don’t like much else about it, and I still have regular issues with the food they serve! Just when I think I have it figured out, something else will sicken me. Literally.

      I could eat the same item in a restaurant with no issues. What does that tell you?

      Have a great week.


  13. Juli @ A Universe in Words

    That does sound like quite a busy week, but mimosas at the end of a long week are always a hit! I love the look of your new books, ‘My Lies, Your Lies’ and ‘The Downstairs Neighbour’ look great. I hope you have a lovely start to the week and do drop by my Friday post if you have the time! – Juli @ A Universe in Words

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  14. I bet you are delighted to have Fiona close again.

    And it’s great that you have been able to get out of your apartment most days and still read three fabulous books. I’ve had get-togethers for the last four days with vaccinated people, and I’m just now getting back to my blogging!

    I found this wonderful recipe for a Jalapeno Margarita at our friend Jackie’s blog, and I’m determined to make it this week. A mimosa sounds wonderful, too.

    Liked by 1 person

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