Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

**Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.


This week I was determined to dust off some older books from my Kindle, and I did it!  Of the four, yes FOUR, books I read and reviewed, three of them were from my backlog.  And they were all so good!

Here in the residence, we are now eating in the dining room on alternate days, at scheduled times and applying social distancing.  I’m liking the change.  I feel a sense of normalcy returning, very slowly, and I am trying to feel hope again.

My movies and shows online continue, with some of them oldies.  The comfort viewing has helped me feel peaceful.

My ongoing sprucing up the space has led to more purchases of books and items to make me feel at home.  I have added new storage bins and changed the look of my bookshelves, with books and photos arranged in a way that I had them in my previous home.

I am writing this post in the late afternoon, so instead of suggesting we grab some caffeine, let’s reach for a preferred beverage:  perhaps even wine?



Goodbye to May!

Tuesday Excerpts:  “A Week at the Shore”

Tuesday Potpourri:  Bookish Tuesday

Hump Day Books…

Adding Another Backlog Book to My Device…

Coffee Chat:  Hanging in There…

Bookish Friday:  “Watch Me Disappear”

Review:  The Dilemma, by B.A. Paris – NG-6/30/20Review:  After Anna, by Alex LakeReview:  A Piece of the World, by Christina Baker KlineReview:  Watch Me Disappear, by Janelle Brown



Empty physical mailbox…but I downloaded SIX e-books

Girls of Summer, by Nancy Thayer

Brave Girl, Quiet Girl, by Catherine Ryan Hyde

The Summer Deal, by Jill Shalvis

The Guest List, by Lucy Foley

Remain Silent (A Manon Bradshaw Novel), by Susie Steiner

Finding Mrs. Ford, by Deborah Goodrich Royce


CURRENTLY READING:  The Flatshare, by Beth O’Leary


That was my week.  What did yours look like?  Even though we are still on lockdown, I am feeling upbeat.  Getting out to the dining room every other day is surprisingly delightful.  And if the food is not good, I can ask them to prepare something else!  I have no delicious foods to spotlight, but I am thinking back on the last time I got together with my family!



  1. Glad it was a good week! I feel a little optimism too with the gradual reopenings that are happening- maybe things will get back to normal after all (I was starting to wonder!). Hopefully your resumption there goes well. And 4 books! Nice.

    The Guest List looks like something I’d like. I’ve been loving suspenseful reads of late.

    Take care and be well this week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, Greg, sometimes it feels as if we are hanging by a thread, but if we find good books, movies, and even some wine (lol), we can get through each day.

      Enjoy your books…I am really looking forward to The Guest List.


  2. maureensbooks1989

    I’m so happy to read your week has been good and you’ve been able to go into the dining room. That sounds like a nice change of things!
    And four books?! That’s awesome.

    Stay safe and happy reading.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am already loving The Flatshare. The alternating narrators give us a glimpse into the various characters, and the chapters are short, too! Thanks for stopping by, Kathryn, and enjoy your week.


    1. Today is a day in the dining room, so I am up and dressed and feeling as if I have a place to go! It was hard not ever leaving the apartment.

      Enjoy your week, Jessica, and thanks for visiting.


  3. The Guest List has been catching my eye around the blogosphere lately so I’ll watch for your review. I’m a fan of Jill Shalvis so the new one is on my wish list. Looks like you’ve plenty to entertain you. Have a good week, Laurel!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Even the smallest of renewed social contact feels good to me right now. We had friends come over for a porch chat last week, and that lifted my spirits for days. Later we had an outdoor visit with my dad and yesterday we went to see my son and his family. Being with my son and his family is the first time I’ve been within six feet of anyone (other than my husband) in three months.

    You certainly have a lot of promising books now in your e-reader. All of those books look wonderful. I can’t wait to see what you think about them.

    Your decorations are making this place seem like home. Lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Deb, I have relished the opportunity to play around with my interiors and my books, all thanks to the isolation.

      But now I am ready for one of those porch visits! We aren’t allowed to visit anyone yet, just the social distanced people here in the community.

      Stay safe and enjoy!


  5. Glad it was a good week and that you are now able to enjoy dining among others – that getting back to normal must be such a positive step. And you have had a really good reading week, too! I hope the coming week continues to be as good, Laurel:)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Whitney

    I heard The Flatshare is written in a very unusual format, therefore it has been receiving some really mixed reviews. I have been wondering if I should just take the plunge and read it or not.
    I hope you continue to be positive and upbeat! Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Susan

    Great job … 4 books read & reviewed in a week — you are on a roll! Glad to hear you are up & about there too. Have you watched the TV series The Morning Show with Reese Witherspoon, Steve Carell and Jennifer Anniston? … we just finished Season 1 and it was a #MeToo doozy. Think it might have been on Apple TV. Not sure what we will pick up next. Enjoy your week and your new reads.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was just at your blog, Susan, and now I’m wanting to watch The Morning Show. Is it only on Apple TV? I knew there was a reason I needed that!

      Enjoy your week and your books and movies. I found some books on your post that I needed to add to my list!


  8. Wow some great reads this week! I loved the Guest List and I have Summer Deal coming up on audio.

    I hope we are not moving to normal too quickly. We just stay home. But we are out in the yard so it’s fine. Stay safe and well!

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Anne Bennett

    Good for you. Four older books from KINDLE backlog. I should do the same but I am being picky about my reading choices right now and not just anything will do just action adventure and mysteries for me right now otherwise I can’t pay attention. It’s been a hard week but there is a lot of cause for hope for the future. Stay well. Stay safe. Please visit my Sunday Salon post. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Your bookshelf looks so warm and inviting 🙂 I just added The Guest List to my library request list – I think it’ll be a while, but I’ll read it eventually. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Laura, and I’m loving The Flatshare so far!

      And enjoying alternating between meals in the apartment and in the dining room. All the tables are spaced out, and I actually prefer it that way now! LOL.

      Stay safe.


  11. So good to hear you had a good week both with books and being able to eat with others! Love the summer looking books. I am excited that our library is working on opening safely! I am actually getting caught up on books that are in the house. Never thought I would see the day. Have another great week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Melinda, it is great to find books wherever we can. I was amazed at how many older books were still hanging around when I took a closer look.

      Can’t wait to read The Guest List. Stay safe.


  12. I am so glad that you are able to get out for meals now! That has to feel so good, and like you said, a slow return to normal. And also, a plus that you can ask for something different if necessary!

    It sounds like you have been busy with reorganizing and redoing – that is always so fun. I love the look of your shelves. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, Erin, I am feeling grateful for these little changes that can make a difference.

      Reorganizing is always a favorite thing of mine, and I don’t mind cleaning up a bit during the process. Enjoy your books and your reorganizing.

      Stay safe.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Kathy Martin

    I’m glad things are getting closer to normal for you. I’m still in my self-imposed lockdown even though some things including restaurants are reopening around here. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. It sounds like a really good week for you. Good job on getting into the TBR stack and I’m glad that you enjoyed them. Remain SIlent looks like a good thriller. Brave Girl, Quiet Gril is one I have been eyeing.
    I hope you continue to enjoy the dining room more.
    Have a good week!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. So happy to hear you had a great week! It’s a nice feeling to read from your backlog, I agree.
    I’m just starting my Monday blog visits and it’s already Tuesday, so I’m behind, as usual. We had some outdoor get-togethers with line-dance friends last week, and it was nice to see real-life people instead of just on the computer screen! I have The Flatshare, The Guest List, and some of the others you mentioned on my TBR.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Literary Feline

    Yay for reading backlog books! I’m never going to read mine. At least it feels like that sometimes.

    I am glad you are able to eat in the dining room some of the time now. Your bookshelf looks so nice. I really need to go through my books again and see which ones I want to keep and give away. I do that every now and then to keep my shelves from overflowing too much. I especially need to sit down with my daughter and go through all her books. She’s been better about saying yes to giving her stuff away, and so I don’t think it will be as much of a challenge this time around. Of course, I have to be willing to let them go too. And when it comes to books, that’s always hard for me. LOL

    I hope you enjoy your new books and your current reads. Take care, Laurel-Rain.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Wendy, I am liking how we’re alternating our days in the dining room. Since we’ve been on lockdown for THREE months now, a return to every day In the dining room would feel like a bit much for us introverts, lol.

      I miss all my books and shelves from my previous residence, so I can’t imagine giving any away for a while…or ever.

      I used to purge when I had hundreds of books.

      Enjoy your collection.


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