Welcome to our Monday Memes.  Some of you may be at BEA in NY, and for those (like Sheila and others) who are, we count on you to tell us about your experiences.

Mailbox Monday is hosted this month by Mari Reads.

What Are You Reading? is hosted by Book Journey.


This week’s books were all purchased by me, but I am delighted with them nonetheless.

1.  Disturbing the Peace, by Richard Yates

To all appearances, John Wilder has all the trappings of success, circa 1960: a promising career in advertising, a loving family, a beautiful apartment, even a country home. John’s evenings are spent with associates at quiet Manhattan lounges and his weekends with friends at glittering cocktail parties. But something deep within this seemingly perfect life has long since gone wrong. Something has disturbed John’s fragile peace, and he can no longer find solace in fleeting affairs or alcohol. The anger, the drinking, and the recklessness are building to a crescendo—and they’re about to take down John’s career and his family. What happens next will send John on a long, strange journey—at once tragic and inevitable.

2.  The Pumpkin Eater, by Penelope Mortimer

“A strange, fresh, gripping book. One of the the many achievements of The Pumpkin Eater is that it somehow manages to find universal truths in what was hardly an archetypal situation: Mortimer peels several layers of skin off the subjects of motherhood, marriage, and monogamy, so that what we’re asked to look at is frequently red-raw and painful without being remotely self-dramatizing. In fact, there’s a dreaminess to some of the prose that is particularly impressive, considering the tumult that the book describes.” —Nick Hornby, The Believer

3.  The Beach Trees, by Karen White

From the time she was twelve, Julie Holt knew what a random tragedy can do to a family. At that tender age, her little sister disappeared-never to be found. It was a loss that slowly eroded the family bonds she once relied on. As an adult with a prestigious job in the arts, Julie meets a struggling artist who reminds her so much of her sister, she can’t help feeling protective. It is a friendship that begins a long and painful process of healing for Julie, leading her to a house on the Gulf Coast, ravaged by hurricane Katrina, and to stories of family that take her deep into the past.



This week has been one that was split between my writing and my reading.  I am participating in the ROW 80 Challenge, and we’re in Round Two.

Most of my effort has been directed toward completing the NaNoWriMo novel, and I did finish the first draft, with some editing and rewriting along the way.  Now I’m working on another WIP that I began in a previous challenge.

But I still completed some enjoyable books.  Here’s what I finished and reviewed – Click the titles for reviews:

1.  Love You More, by Lisa Gardner

2.  The Long Journey Home, by Margaret Robison (memoir)

3.  Out of Balance, by Angela Lam Turpin

So…What’s Up Next?

1.  Once Upon a Time There Was You, by Elizabeth Berg

2.  Save Me (e-book), by Lisa Scottoline

3.  Exposure (e-book), by Therese Fowler

4.  Drinking:  A Love Story, by Caroline Knapp (memoir)

So that’s it for me…what about the rest of you?  Even if you’re participating in Armchair BEA (or the real one!), I’m sure you’ll find time to read.  So I hope you’ll stop by and share….


    1. Oh, thanks, Laura…I love Karen White’s books, so I’m really excited about the new one.

      I do seem to get up very early in the mornings, so that helps. It also helps that reading, blogging, and writing are my “job” these days!

      Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I’m participating in Armchair BEA for the first time. Your mailbox books sound like emotional reads. I’ll be interested to see what you think of
    Save Me. Have a great week and happy reading 🙂


  2. I’m reading my first Richard Yates book just now. I’m also looking forward to reading everyone’s blog posts on the BEA

    Good luck with your writing.


    1. It’s an intriguing story about The Pumpkin Eater, Michelle. I saw it last week on Diane’s blog, and thought…hmm, that one sounds familiar. So I looked it up, and sure enough, I read it back in the day. But I’ve forgotten a lot about it, so time for a reread (and a blast from the past). Thanks for stopping by.


  3. I apologize in much to say. The Beach Tree sounds like my kind of read, can’t wait to see your review to see if I put it on my tbr bucket it will be your fault that it grows lol. GL on your ROW 80 Challenge…Do we get to see what you write? Love You More is on my personal tbr shelf and after reading your review, I want to read it!!! but have to finish my request tbr shelf first. Save Me is also on my request shelf so we will have to compare notes. lol Told you this was going to be a long one lol. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week!!!!


    1. Ha-Ha…long comments are great, Cheryl. Hope you do get around to some of these. As for my writing, I’m posting excerpts occasionally on Snow Chronicles, my writing blog. In the end, I will need to send out copies for readers. I did send out Interior Designs to someone last week, and the input is favorable. (

      Thanks for stopping by.


    1. Oh, I can’t tell you how much I luxuriate in my Berg books. I feel like I’m curling up in a cozy quilt, as she brings the reader right into the scenes. Can you tell that I’m a fan, Helen? LOL

      Hope you have a great week, and thanks for stopping by.


  4. Wow, all sorts of goodies! I’ve heard great things about Karen White and Elizabeth Berg…I’ll have to check them out. Enjoy your books!


  5. This is the second time I have seen Once Upon a Time There Was You today! I have only read Berg once and I wasn’t thrilled with my choice so this migth be a good second try! Thanks for visiting me at Hands and Home!


  6. I’m always curious about when we are ever going to find the time to read the books we get every week, plus reread our favorites.

    Have a great week!


  7. Oh, you got THE BEACH TREES. I want to read that one. I’ll also be interested in hearing what you think about SAVE ME and EXPOSURE. I’ve read the first and really want to read the second. Enjoy your books!


    1. Yes, it’s your fault, Diane! LOL

      I love Yates books, and I knew that The Pumpkin Eater sounded very familiar…so, of course, I had to check it out on Amazon. But I read it a long, long…long time ago, back in the day, so it will kind of be like a new read.



  8. Lovely mailbox!
    Beach Trees sounds fantastic and the Berg book is one I would like to see on my shelf one of these days. 🙂 Thanks for visiting me today!


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