Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon and The Sunday Post for weekly updates.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.



Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon and The Sunday Post for weekly updates.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.


Another great week!  I read and reviewed three awesome books, and I am looking forward to more of the same in the upcoming week.

I am sipping my coffee this morning, hoping for a great day.I started watching a movie on Netflix starring Brooke Shields:  Mother of the Bride.  So far, I’m loving it.

I also finished One Tree Hill this week, and now I am in Season II of Brothers and Sisters.  I can’t seem to stop with the oldies and goodies.

On Wednesday, my granddaughter and her fiance came over to clean my apartment…and then we enjoyed another lunch at our favorite restaurant around the corner:  The Point.

Let’s take a peek at the details of the week:





BOOKISH FRIDAY:  The Last Time She Saw Him…


Summers at the Saint, by Mary Kay Andrews

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The Last Time She Saw Him, by Kate White

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Life, Loss, and Puffins, by Catherine Ryan Hyde

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The Housemaid, by Frieda McFadden



That was my week.  Here is a glimpse of our lunch on Wednesday:  Waiting for the food.

jeremy and Fiona

What did your week look like?  I also enjoyed playing around with my blogs and changed up some headers, like this oneSnow Sparks.

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    1. Sounds like a great week! A lovely photo.

      Enjoy The Housemaid. I have had my eye on that!

      I enjoy having a play around with my blog occasionally too. I’ve decided to have a change round every season, but we shall see!!

      Have a great week next week! 

      Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog 

      My post:

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Three books in one week – that’s great!!

    LOVED Summers at the Saint!! Kate’s book was good too. I don’t know of the third one you reviewed.

    And nice to have your apartment cleaned and then lunch – a perfect day.

    I hope this week is another wonderful one for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Sarah, I didn’t have house cleaning done for me until recently. I can still do most of the work, but I need help with the heavy cleaning . Even though I pay my granddaughter, the lunch out is a nice treat for all of us. Enjoy your week!


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