Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon and The Sunday Post for weekly updates.

Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.


Welcome to another Weekly Update. I read and reviewed two books, both excellent, and did some blogging as well.  I continued viewing Revenge on Hulu…and will probably finish it today.  

Last Friday I took a Lyft to my favorite restaurant to enjoy salmon and creme brulee…a perfect ending to the week.

Now let’s take a peek at the details of the week.






The Truth About the Devlins, by Lisa Scottoline

ratings worms 4-cropped

The Princess of Las Vegas, by Chris Bohjalian

cropped again 5


She’s Not Sorry, by Mary Kubica (Currently Reading)

she's not sorry


That was my week.  What did yours look like?

On Monday, I have an appointment to have my eyeglasses adjusted a bit.  I also hope to run some errands and have lunch with my granddaughter.  The perfect kind of outing.

And today, I ordered salmon and a salad from Uber Eats.

salmon on saturday



    1. .Thanks, Kathryn, and I discovered ride sharing in 2019 when I gave up my car. I felt lost for a minute, lol, but now I realize how much easier it is without car maintenance, insurance, etc.

      I do like catching rides from my granddaughter more, though, as we usually then do errands and go to lunch together.

      Enjoy your week!


    2. Sounds like a good week. I hope your glasses get sorted soon. I put off going to the opticians for as long as possible as they never get it right.

      Reading 2 books is an achievement. I’m trying to get my library book read (An Offer From A Gentleman by Julia Quinn) because as it is on Libby it will automatically be removed on the end date and as there is a queue I will be put to the back of the queue!

      Have a great weekend!

      Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

      My post:

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Glad there are ride sharing options in your neck of the woods, Laurel:). You’re right – the cost of the car is just the tip of the iceberg when owning one. And looking at the price of electric cars, I think many of us will be leasing rather than owning them… It sounds like you had a peaceful, enjoyable week. I hope the coming one is a good one.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Victoria Hamel

    That salmon looks like it was cooked to perfection! Glad to read you had a nice week. I’m glad that Uber exists I think it makes life easier for many people, especially in areas without good public transportation. She’s Not Sorry is a great title, I hope the book is enjoyable!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Literary Feline

    Your meal looks delicious, Laurel-Rain. It sounds like you had a good week, and I am glad it ended on a high note. I hope you continue to enjoy your reading and have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Kathy Martin

    I’m not sure that we even have ride sharing in our city. I have a car that I use very seldom and a brother to chauffeur if I don’t feel like driving. Your uber eats meal looks great. Come see my week <a href=”https://inside-dog.blogspot.com/2024/04/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-april-8.html”>here</a>. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve been one year without a car in L.A. and I don’t miss it. What I don’t know though, and need to find out, is, will an Uber or a Lyft take me and my cat to the vet if she needs to go? Or are they like “No cats!” in case some of their passengers are allergic?

    Salmon looks yummy! My favorite fishy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jinjer, and I am now curious about your question about Uber/Lyft taking cats to the vet. Probably would just need to ask the driver.

      I have also decided that salmon is my favorite fish! I used to eat a lot of tuna salad, but I’ve moved on, lol.


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