Good morning!  Let’s gather around with our caffeinated beverages to chat about our weeks, our books, and our perspectives.  Join our host at Bookishly Boisterous to see what others are sharing.


It has been a couple of weeks since my last post, back when I still felt the exhilaration of the Inauguration and the sight of #45’s back in the wind.  Of course that last bit hasn’t happened, and the Impeachment conviction some of us hoped for probably won’t happen either.  Sigh.  When I go to the news videos lately, I tend to scroll on past.  I don’t want to waste head space on these events!

  • In the interim, however, I am enjoying my reading and blogging.  I just finished reading and reviewing an ARC of a book that will come out next week:  The Four Winds, by Kristin Hannah.
  • After I finished that rather lengthy tome, I searched my shelves to pick the next one…and actually started reading another, but then moved on to something completely different:  Single Mother, by Samantha Hayes.  I am turning the pages quickly.
  • Lately I have been staying in my apartment more and more, skipping most meals and even activities offered.  Then, on Sunday, I went to all three meals and yesterday I went to two.  But today is going to be another “hermit” day…unless something changes.  Why is this happening?  Things should be looking up, right?
  • But maybe the news alerts that hint at more violence could be at fault.  Will we never feel safe?
  • I know that Pandemic Fatigue could also be the culprit. I have had my first shot, but no word on when we will get the second one.  There are shortages…and who knows what will unfold?
  • I miss my people, like all of us do, and I also realize, as the months pass, it will soon be ONE YEAR that I have been locked down here (since March 11!), with no escape except one doctor visit in October!
  • Meanwhile, I love looking at my new Mary Engelbreit calendar.

  • It hangs next to my kitchen cabinets.
  • I have also done my usual blog changes, and created some new headers this week:  First, Potpourri:

Then I changed up my Serendipity blog header:

  • You might also notice a few tweaks in this blog header.  So that’s what I do when I feel frustrated, depressed…or just bored.


I would rather get a mani-pedi, though, which isn’t going to happen any time soon.  How do you deal with Pandemic Fatigue?



  1. Ugh my heart goes out to you Laurel-Rain. I actually think about you having been in there for so long quite often! You are a very tough and strong woman to hang in there like this.

    I am no artist, but I have been attempting many art projects and crafts and I am finding it is helping. You know we are very locked down because of Wyatt’s health challenges and it is now freezing in Michigan. Could you try one of those cool paint-by-number paintings? They have some really neat ones. I also saw that the Napa Valley Wine Academy was having online zoom classes! That sounded pretty cool – I thought this one in particular sounded interesting!

    If you ever want to chat, send me an email!

    My mom has been struggling with this lately as well – she is alone in her house a lot of the time and the days wear on her. I try to call her three times a day plus a video chat with Wyatt every night but it is not the same.

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    1. Thanks, Erin, your kind thoughts, and those of many who are in the blogging community, are more help than you can even imagine! Thanks for the links and the contact info.

      Luckily, I am kind of an introvert anyway, and love reading, blogging, and viewing movies and shows. Without those outlets and the kind comments by you and others, I would surely have gone nuts by now!! LOL

      Another activity I enjoy: decorating. So I like rearranging my furnishings, a real challenge in this studio apartment! And ordering things on Amazon. Maybe not such a great idea.

      I wish I knew how to cut my hair, but I think I shouldn’t even attempt it.

      I do love reading your posts and seeing the beautiful photos you take of your adventures with Wyatt. Thanks for those!


  2. How you have stayed sane I just don’t know. It has been a long haul for you, and yes we really don’t know when it will all end. Well just as well you are an introvert, but even we introverts need our family fixes. I love that calendar that you get, it’s such fun. We didn’t have much choice of calendars here this year, could be to do with shipping. In the end I went on one of those sites and made my own. I rushed it a bit but was better than some generic one.

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    1. Thanks, Kathryn, we do have to create our own fixes sometimes. And yes, I don’t know how I would manage without Facebook, Skype, and text messages!

      I have been a Mary Engelbreit fan for years. I also have design books she has published, and love looking through the pages at her rooms!

      Enjoy your week!

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  3. I think we are all having to call on hidden reserves of strength to get through the current situation. I’m glad reading and blogging are helping you, if only a little. I enjoy looking out my window and seeing the birds that visit my garden, hearing the birdsong and watching for the first signs of spring here in the UK – daffodils, snowdrops and primroses starting to appear? Do you have outside space you can go in or even just look at?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Cathy, and my window looks out on the courtyard; when I moved here, roses were blooming…which is why I picked this apartment. My computer is right by a big window view.

      When this is over, we will all be so strong from calling on those hidden reserves. Hang in there!

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  4. LIKE YOU. I try to distract myself. I got involved in a project for the Women’s Shelter with my AAUW girlfriends and that has taken up some time. I find myself constantly checking my University emails, hoping for a paper to grade. MAN! Did I just say that?
    I am still cooking for therapy; however, that leads to eating…
    Life during the pandemic is definitely limited. I MISS PEOPLE!

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