Welcome to another Coffee Chat, in which we share bookish and not so bookish thoughts.  Head on over to Bookishly Boisterous to add your link.

Another week bites the dust…almost.  How do the days slip by so quickly?  I have kept busy with appointments, a flu shot, etc., and I’m still recovering from the oral surgery, while managing to keep the temporary bridge intact.  I do love soups and yogurts, but who knew that a steady diet of nothing but soft foods would be so incredibly boring?

  • As for bookish things, I’m only on my second book of the week, but I did enjoy my first one, a NetGalley ARC called A Year of Extraordinary Moments, by Bette Lee Crosby.  (Click title for my review). Release Date – 10/16.
  • Now I’m reading The Book Club, by Mary Alice Monroe.  I’m enjoying the characters and the story, and I adore the book cover.

  • I’m excited that two books I have pre-ordered are on their way to me, and should arrive by the end of the week:  Open Your Eyes, by Paula Daly; and In Pieces, by Sally Field.
  • Last weekend, my #2 son was feted in a surprise birthday party, compliments of his fiance Madeline.  As always, he sent some photos.

  • Here are Madeline and her two little kids on the beach:  I can’t wait to spend time with these new grandchildren!  Well, technically they’ll be “step-grandchildren,” but that detail doesn’t matter to me.

  • My favorite shot of three of my older grandchildren, young twenty-somethings Alec, Aubrey, and Aaron: how fast they all grew up!

  • Brett and Madeline just moved into their new house, and I’m told there is a nice guest suite for me…and others, too, of course.  LOL.
  • I am eagerly anticipating family moments ahead.


How are you all spending your week?  What excitement, adventures, or bookish things are keeping you busy?



    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kathryn, and I’ve seen some other covers, which are also lovely. I am sure you will enjoy this one.

      And I, too, hope the soft food regime is soon over. I have a dental appointment today, to check on how things are progressing. Hoping!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Cathy, and I already tend toward soft foods, but I am longing to chew something! LOL.

      As for the margaritas, as long as I don’t drink them through a straw, they’ve been allowed since last weekend. Imagine that!

      Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I can empathise with how boring soft foods get after a while – when I had my spinal surgery I had to have soft foods for four weeks and got completely and utterly sick of soups and custards etc. I hope you’ll be back to a normal diet soon. In the meantime I hope good books are distracting you from the food as much as possible.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Patty, that is a good thing. And today, the dentist cleared me to eat solid foods…as long as I chew on my right side only. The extraction site is mostly healed, but I still have a temporary bridge. But…progress!


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