Good morning!  It is Friday already, but I feel as though I have missed the week.

Probably because, for the most part, I have.  Felled by some kind of food poisoning, or at the least, a severe food reaction, I have been sicker this week than I have been for a very long time.

My daughter had the exact same symptoms, so we’re thinking it was that cheesecake we had on Sunday.  This very unique “purge” began on Monday.  LOL

This was definitely not the kind of purge I like to celebrate!  But as I was sidelined on the couch, not blogging and only occasionally reading, I had a chance to study my interiors…the ones that surround me, not my “gut.”

And I saw that the way I display some of my collections was tiring me out, just looking at them, with the dust seemingly accumulating around them.  And their presence made it harder to dust, too, since there were so many little items.

Cute items, admittedly, but on the first day that I felt somewhat better (yesterday), I packed up some of those little angels that formerly lived on the table you see above….and off they went to a see-through bin in the garage.

I am now reveling in how good the top of that table looks with fewer items on it…and Heather, this does not mean you were right, and I was wrong!  (A little mother-daughter disagreement).  But I have CHOSEN to declutter just a little bit more.

Some of you probably know where this will lead….there will be more scrutiny from me, as I study every room in my house, wondering what to attack next.  Could it be this sofa table?  I have to admit to feeling a little angst as I study this one…I am so fond of the geese…and the little tidbits here and there….but let’s be reasonable.



So let’s take a look at the same sofa table (below), with fewer things on it…..Wow, it didn’t even hurt to remove those odds and ends. 






Now I know that I’m done for today, and as for more of this kind of purging… Like Scarlett, I’ll think about it tomorrow….


Do you ever take another look at your interiors when you are flat on your back, sick, and not able to move around much?  Do you see things differently?


I am going to share this post for Saturday Snapshot, too, hosted by Metro Mommy Reads.  Check in to see what others are sharing.
