Welcome to another Waiting on Wednesday, our special day for sharing upcoming book releases.  Hop on over to Breaking the Spine to find out what everyone else is excited about.

I missed last Wednesday, so I am eager to check off one of the books on my list.  One of the eagerly anticipated upcoming releases.

In the past couple of years, I have discovered a fairly new author whose work I eagerly await.  Maria Murnane has given us such captivating titles as Cassidy Lane and Katwalk, among others.  So her newest offering, Wait for the Rain, immediately went on my list.  Coming on 2/24/15!





Daphne White is staring down the barrel of forty—and is distraught at what she sees. Her ex-husband is getting remarried, her teenage daughter hardly needs her anymore, and the career she once dreamed about has somehow slipped from her grasp. She’s almost lost sight of the spirited and optimistic young woman she used to be.

As she heads off to a Caribbean island to mark the new decade with her best friends from college, Daphne’s in anything but the mood to celebrate. But when she meets Clay Hanson, a much younger man, she ignores her inner voice warning her that she’s too old for a fling. In fact, this tropical getaway might be the perfect opportunity to picture her future in a new sun-drenched light.

With the help of her friends, Daphne rediscovers her enthusiasm for life, as well as her love for herself—and realizes that her best years are still ahead.


I love the sound of this…and the title makes me think of blissful moments.  What do you have to share today?  Come on by and leave your comments and links.
