Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon and The Sunday Post for weekly updates.

Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.



My week was a pretty good one, in which I read and reviewed two books, but only wrote four blog posts.  Again I spent a lot of time viewing movies and shows, continuing with Parenthood. I haven’t felt that well, with a sore throat most of the week.  I was worried about it, so I took a Covid test…and happily, it was negative!  Today I am feeling better, and I think my symptoms are due to allergies and the horrible air outside. 

This coming week, my eldest son will arrive from Prague, and one by one my other kids are all gathering.  So glad I didn’t ruin it all with a positive Covid test!  My Murphy bed is ready for whoever needs it to sleep over.

Let’s take a closer look at my week.








Review:  Please Join Us, by Catherine McKenzie

cropped again 5

Review:  The Darkness of Strangers, by Cate Holahan

cropped again 5



Daisy Darker, by Alice Feeney (Currently Reading)

The Darkness of Others, by Cate Holahan


That was my week.  As I look forward to the family gathering, I am excited and planning how to fully enjoy this time together.  Below, another view of my living room, with the Murphy bed ready for a guest or two.  The photos you see on the wall were snapped in Ireland by my eldest son who lives in Prague now and is headed my way.

framed view of Murphy bed and bookcase



  1. Diane

    Glad you don’t have COVID and that you will get to see your son and more family soon; enjoy. Daisy Darker is waiting for me as a library download and I also have The Darkness of Others – we do like similar books. Have a good week Laurel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Diane, I was so happy to see that “negative” on my test! And I am so eager to reconnect with all my kids.

      I enjoyed The Darkness of Others…a story that shows how the Pandemic affected the characters and helped bring real life into a story.

      Looking forward to Daisy Darker.

      I have also noticed how we like similar books. Enjoy!


  2. Literary Feline

    I am glad you are feeling better, Laurel-Rain. I hope you have a nice family visit. It will be nice to see everyone again, I am sure! Your upcoming reads both look good. I hope you enjoy them! Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Shelleyrae, I had not even thought of a Murphy bed, but when I learned that it would take three months for a sofa bed to arrive, I was happy for an alternative. And the Murphy bed looks like a better option.

      Enjoy your week and your books.


    1. Thanks, JoAnn, I am so happy at the test result! After keeping Covid at bay for over two years, I am feeling very vulnerable whenever I have anything that might be a symptom.

      Enjoy your week, and I am very excited about the family gathering.


    1. Thanks, Kathryn, I am excited about opening up that Murphy bed this weekend!

      I was a bit worried about the sore throat, but the negative COVID test offered relief. And the sore throat is just allergies, thankfully. And I’m feeling fine now.

      Enjoy your week!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Glad your test was negative so you can have your family visits! We had a family vacation in the spring with all of our adult children together and it was so nice to be able to do that. Now we have a grandchild on the way, so I’m extra glad because it was very likely the last chance we would all be able to go away together like that, at least for a long time!

    Liked by 1 person

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