A couple of weeks ago, I wrote Meandering Through My Interiors, when I moved some stacking boxes to another part of the room.  In the photo above, see lower center, with a dark birdhouse sitting in for those boxes.  Previously, it was by the hearth, halfway hidden.  So now it gets to show off a little more, while those stacking boxes “rock” their new space (below).





I am glad that I constantly move my things around and reshape my spaces…a reminder that I can still make this nest cozy.

In the past week or so, I’ve been obsessed with looking at new homes, exploring new possibilities.  Moving?  Should I?  Could I?  Even the thought of it makes me so anxious that I can’t sleep some nights.

Why?  Well, the rent went up and I panicked.  But as I looked at new places, much more expensive and not really “home” to me, I had to rethink that.  I’m not ready, is what I concluded.  Plus the hassle and expense would defeat the purpose, and my rent is manageable here.  I will sign a short-term lease, just in case I change my mind.

Maybe I will be ready in a few months…or longer.  The appeal of a place with lots of security and other people in a clubhouse setting sounds tempting.  But then I recall that I’m basically a loner, loving doing my own thing.  I’m not the Bingo-playing person who lives in those places.  lol.





Sometimes we have to look around at other spaces to appreciate what we have.  My place has interesting shapes to some of the rooms, and it has become just what I need for now.  Note the angle of the fireplace, and how the bookcase fits into a nook by the love seat.





High ceilings, nice angles, and more space than I really need…all here, after almost ten years, and now I’m still re-imagining ways to make it truly mine.

So what if the kitchen is tiny?  I manage to make it work with a rolling cart that stands in for extra counter space.





Seriously, though, the thought of packing up and trying to fit everything into a tinier space (the ones I looked at were smaller, though more expensive!), makes the decision easier for me.

Who knows what I will find if I just wait a while?  I might even decide that this little place, with its quirks and its flaws, is truly my home.

Do you ever imagine “what if,” and even make the changes, only to discover you already had what you needed?  Or maybe you found the perfect new home when you made changes.  It is definitely something to ponder.

I am linking up to West Metro Mommy Reads, for Saturday Snapshot.



  1. I know we’ll have to make a move eventually but not yet. When we do it will be to one story. Your home is so charming – I can see why you’d have to find something perfect to get you to move.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve never liked my current house, but agreed to buy it with my then husband. I do imagine that I’ll move on at some stage. I don’t know when, or where to, it’s an extremely daunting prospect. But I need to do some extreme de-cluttering first. It’s interesting to look around though and see what’s out there, sometimes you do realise you’re getting an ok deal. I like how you are constantly moving things, I hardly ever move things!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Louise, and I think that by moving things, I can gradually see what needs to go…and what can stay. But I still have a lot to do before I can move. I think I’ll slowly move in that direction. No hurry, as this place still feels like home. Thanks for stopping by.

      De-cluttering does feel like an accomplishment…hope you enjoy doing it. It also offers the opportunity to really see what you have.


  3. I would love to move but the thought of sorting through and packing up 25 years of stuff is something I just don’t want to deal with; not after just finishing getting my father-in-laws house ready for sale (and getting rid of 60 years of his “stuff” – he downsized to a one bedroom apartment).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The more I think about doing all those things, I also hesitate. I think I’ll just keep gradually purging things, and then if the time comes to move, it will be less of a hassle…lol. Hopefully.

      Thanks for stopping by, Leslie, and thinking about getting rid of 25 years of stuff (or 60!) makes me tired.


  4. We have lived in our same home for over thirty years. I know, I know, talk about a stick-in-the-mud!

    It is fun to think about moving. If you are looking for a bigger yet less expensive place, you need to move here to Texas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When I was growing up, we never moved. My parents did move once when I was a baby, but then lived on the same property for the rest of their lives. Now my brother lives in that house.

      So…I wanted to see what it was like to move a lot, and I did just that. My second husband came from a family that moved a lot, and he loved to do the same. He was always wanting to pull up stakes, just because he was restless.

      Now I am somewhere in between, having lived in my last place for 13 years, and almost 10 years here.

      I know there are other states with less expensive houses….and I’m tempted. If only my kids and grandkids didn’t live in California! (Except, of course, for the one that lives in Prague…lol).

      Thanks for visiting, Deb. Enjoy your house!


  5. Your environment is absolutely charming – I love it. I work at home and have become a little defeated at the general clutter silting up the place. When my back was constantly hurting, it made it harder to work up the enthusiasm to do something about it. But I now am so much fitter and energetic and it reminds me that I used to do a spring and autumn clean. I’ve vowed to start tomorrow, using your continual addressing of your space as an example of what I CAN do:)). That you for your lovely example!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When we are in pain, it is definitely hard to even think of moving things around. Mostly I move light things these days, although I have been known to move big furniture via the shoving carefully method. lol.

      Thanks, Sarah, glad you enjoy my interiors, and thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

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